Release Notes 2023.1.18 - Metadata Panel#01963

Started by wolboe, July 15, 2023, 12:10:22 PM

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 "Added a check to identify layouts which contain the same tag multiple times...."

What is the easiest way to find such multiple tags within the layout without having to compare all tags "on foot"?

Wie finde ich solche mehrfach vorhandenen Tags innerhalb des Layouts am einfachsten, ohne "zu Fuß" alle Tags vergleichen zu müssen?



Einfach das Layout laden. Wenn ein Tag mehrfach vorkommt, zeigt IMatch eine Meldung an.


hmm.. I'm actually not seeing a message upon loading the template.  

1 - I loaded the metadata panel and selected my GPS Details template... (I didn't get a popup message).  
2 - I then clicked the Reverse Geocode button and then received the duplicate message: 


3 - I then switched to a different template and back to GPS Details again.. no message.
4 - I then tried the Reverse Geocode button but no message.

Working by design or ... ?  Running 2023.1.18.  Thx - Andy.


I think the message appears only once for each affected layout after the programme start.


Thx and that sounds like a good plan - I was just surprised that I didn't get a message until I clicked the reverse geocode button.  Of course, that could just be a timing thing and perhaps it popped up at the same time I clicked the button.. Lol.


I've just encountered this and I'm confused.

I'm copying GPS data from images which have data to others taken in the same vicinity which don't have data.

Going into the GPS details on the metadata panel I received the warning in this thread (or something very similar, I didn't take a screenshot)

If I do Ctrl-C followed by Ctrl-Shift-V to copy GPS data the destination data tells me there are multiple values in the GPS data. Write-back may fix this, I haven't tried as I want to avoid damage.

What do I do to resolve this? I haven't knowingly changed any layouts in the metadata viewer.


Quote from: rolandgifford on July 15, 2023, 04:51:34 PMI've just encountered this and I'm confused.

I'm copying GPS data from images which have data to others taken in the same vicinity which don't have data.

Going into the GPS details on the metadata panel I received the warning in this thread (or something very similar, I didn't take a screenshot)

If I do Ctrl-C followed by Ctrl-Shift-V to copy GPS data the destination data tells me there are multiple values in the GPS data. Write-back may fix this, I haven't tried as I want to avoid damage.

What do I do to resolve this? I haven't knowingly changed any layouts in the metadata viewer.
How is this related?
The new message shows when you create a Metadata Panel layout that contains the same tag multiple times. This must be avoided. But this has nothing to do with copying metadata.

QuoteI received the warning in this thread (or something very similar, I didn't take a screenshot)
The precise warning text you get is important.

GPS Details is a legacy Metadata Panel layout which use a mix of Composite tags. Not longer recommended.

QuoteIf I do Ctrl-C followed by Ctrl-Shift-V to copy GPS data the destination data tells me there are multiple values in the GPS data. Write-back may fix this, I haven't tried as I want to avoid damage.

Which tags did you copy, which tags were checked?
Note that copying Composite tags may interfere with modern structured tags and location created / location shown.
I recommend using the IPTC Location Metadata Panel layout.
If you did not follow the advice in the migration guide and loaded the now current default MD Panel layouts, consider doing it.

We need the exact error message (screen shot) and we need to see which tags you copied to make something out of this.


Quote from: Mario on July 15, 2023, 05:16:40 PMHow is this related?

Related because I have received the same pop-up error/warning. The opo-up is identical to the one in this thread, I have checked since my post. The origianl thread didn't tell me how to resolve it.

From the rest of your reply and investigation since I see that the standard 2021 GPS view is 'broken' and needs to be either fixed or removed.

I did follow the advice in the migration guide to load the MD Panel layouts but did a merge rather than replace. Having repeated that and done a replace I see that GPS has gone. The Browser layout mention in the message is still there so I'm still puzzled about that. The IPTC Location layout doesn't include GPS data but I have created a new view just showing GPS and I'm happy with that.

So far as the copy and multiple values are concerned, I was only copying GPS Coordinates but am now copying the GPS Data Bloc. The Multiple Values appear to be genuine as the copy seems to sometimes fail on individual images (out of the 20 or so selected images) but repeated copies seem to fix that, apart from GPS timestamp with a destination MP4 file but I'm not concerned about that.


QuoteThe Browser layout mention in the message is still there so I'm still puzzled about that.
The Browser layout is the layout that shows all metadata IMatch has extracted from your files.
It will always exist.

QuoteThe IPTC Location layout doesn't include GPS data
It does. Look:


"Multiple values" is not the same as multiple tags.
If you add the XMP title two times to the same MD Panel layout, IMatch will display a warning.

QuoteThe Multiple Values appear to be genuine as the copy seems to sometimes fail on individual images
I don't understand. Fail how? Error message? Data not copied? Partially copied?


Quote from: Mario on July 15, 2023, 07:38:08 PM
QuoteThe Browser layout mention in the message is still there so I'm still puzzled about that.
The Browser layout is the layout that shows all metadata IMatch has extracted from your files.
It will always exist.

The warning says to remove it. It is that suggestion I find confusing

QuoteThe Multiple Values appear to be genuine as the copy seems to sometimes fail on individual images
I don't understand. Fail how? Error message? Data not copied? Partially copied?

Fail to copy. No message. As it subsequently does copy I'm not concerned. The same type of issue as metadata which doesn't write back on the first attempt but does so on subsequent write-backs. If I have GPS data visible in the metadata panel I can immediately see that there is a problem and address it


QuoteThe warning says to remove it. It is that suggestion I find confusing
I don't recall writing a warning that mentions to remove the browser layout.
Where did you get that from (screen shot)?

QuoteFail to copy. No message. As it subsequently does copy I'm not concerned.
Under which conditions does that happen? Which steps do I need to perform to make this happen?

QuoteThe same type of issue as metadata which doesn't write back on the first attempt but does so on subsequent write-backs.
This usually only ever happens when legacy IPTC keywords / flat XMP keywords and hierarchical keywords are out-of-sync because the user worked with an application which only updated some of the keywords. Never, to my knowledge, with GPS data. There can be only two sets of EXIF GPS data (location created / location shown) and any number of sets for IPTC location data. We need more details about when this happens, which data was in the files before you changed GPS data etc.

All the EXIF GPS and XMP GPS and location created / location shown is a huge mess and has "evolved" over time. There ar migration steps to take, depending on what's in your files, which software has written the data etc.
And there are, for reasons I cannot fathom location created lat/lon and location shown lat/lon but only one altitude - an oversight in the standard which causes all kinds of funny things, depending on which and how many applications and devices you mix.


Quote from: Mario on July 15, 2023, 08:45:00 PM
QuoteThe warning says to remove it. It is that suggestion I find confusing
I don't recall writing a warning that mentions to remove the browser layout.
Where did you get that from (screen shot)?

The last statement in the pop-up message

QuoteFail to copy. No message. As it subsequently does copy I'm not concerned.
Under which conditions does that happen? Which steps do I need to perform to make this happen?

No idea

I'm copying to multiple images taken at the same time by the same camera. Usually no problem but sometimes one doesn't copy. If I immediately do the copy again it works. If I'm looking at the GPS metadata I see multiple and try again. So far I haven't found any image which consistently refuses to receive a copy.

My comment about metadata write back wasn't specific to GPS but relates to the occasional metadata mess which requires multiple writeback attempts to fix it.


QuoteThe last statement in the pop-up message

"disable the 'Metadata Browser' layout." means if you have included the Metadata Browser in your custom layout, you should disable it. Because, by it's very nature, the Metadata Browser shows all tags in the database and so, whatever other tag you might have added to your user-defined layout, will be a duplicate. Hence, disable the Metadata Browser layout. No delete it or anything.

QuoteNo idea

Let us know if you find steps to reproduce this. Or images which cause this.
At this time, it's far to fuzzy and random to try to reproduce this. So far only you reported this, which may mean this is as specific issue with your images, database, metadata settings, file relations, if involved, etc. Too many variables to work with.

If you find steps to reproduce this or you have a set of images which cause this, I will look into it.

All this is, however, unrelated to the warning IMatch shows when you add the same tag multiple times to a Metadata Panel layout. Please start a new thread in the bug report board when you have more info about the problem you are reporting.


Quote from: Mario on July 15, 2023, 11:01:54 PMIf you find steps to reproduce this or you have a set of images which cause this, I will look into it.

I'll raise a fault report if I do. Certainly pasting to MP4 files is more often a problem than JPGs but that is perhaps expected.

The 5 minute threshold for GPS track matching (a good idea) together with me setting my GPS tracking app to not record points when not moving mean that I have more than usual of these to copy/paste.