Adjust font size in "File Relations"

Started by scfonline, July 21, 2023, 05:59:23 PM

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Is there a way to adjust the font size in the "File Relations" Window.  Old eyes are have trouble seeing the link expression etc.

I've tried adjusting the system default font size and looked for configurations in Imatch, but haven't seen any changes.

Is it even possible?



IMatch automatically adjusts to the Windows default font size. All dialog boxes (Edit > Preferences > ...) use the default system font for dialogs. Windows selects the dialog font based on your screen resolution, scaling settings etc. IMatch just uses what is delivered by the system.

For reading-intensive windows like Metadata Panel, Keywords Panel, Attributes Panel IMatch supports custom font sizes.
The VarToy app also allows you to change the font size, for seeing all the little , and .

You can change the system scaling via Display Properties or copy & paste the regular expressions into Windows Notepad to see them in a larger font.

Or use the screen magnifier <Windows> + <+> to temporarily zoom into something on the screen.


But would it be possible to specify a system monospace typeface (e.g. Consolas) in a slightly larger default calculated scaled size in fields where things like regular expressions are typed that require easily distinguishable commas, periods, 1, l, I, etc.?

(I use the Windows magnifier anyway, I have to add, whenever I run into this problem, it's a Windows feature worth knowing how to use.)


Many things are possible. Dealing with custom fonts in dialog boxes, resizing individual controls to use a different font is complicated and often causes problems on some PCs out there, where the individual font setting interferes with other system settings. It's usually just not worth it.


I would agree with potential complications, the Windows magnifier is a built-in feature which solves the problem in a variety of ways: e.g. I set it up by default as a 2x or 3x "lens" as wide as the text field.


I'm always looking at ways to make IMatch more usable for all kinds of users. With or without glasses ;)
IMatch uses a mix of my own code, Microsoft components, Windows components and 3rd party components to create the user interface.

Making changes like adjustable font sizes and UI scaling to my own code is quite easy.
It's equally easy for IMatch components based on apps, e.g. the Event View or the Dashboard where you have zoom controls.

Making things work in 3rd party libraries and the MS components is quite more elaborate and, often, frustrating or even fruitless. Something always breaks or I experience totally unexpected side effects. Ripping all 3rd party components out and implementing everything myself is not an option. This would take months and would be way to expensive.

My end goal would be to make the entire IMatch UI adapt to the text scaling in Windows ("Make text bigger"). I'm working on that.
Until then, maybe consider changing the global scaling (Right-click on Desktop > Display) so things appear bigger.
On modern notebooks with their insane high DPI screens, scaling of 200% or 250% or even more may be needed to make user interface elements comfortably readable.




The new functionality for fonts in 2023.1.20 helps on many screens, but not all.  In particular the File Relations screen in the configuration portion of screen does not change.  However, in versioning tab, categories to propagate changes with the windows changes.

Under preferences, some screens change font size, others do not.

I like the step you took, it just didn't change the particular text that I was having difficulty reading.




I get this at 170%, which is vastly larger than the 100%:


Don't forget to restart IMatch after changing the text scaling.


OK, thanks.  I was not restarting Imatch after each text scaling change because some of the field changed text size automatically when I changed scaling and others did not.

For Example:  categories to propagate changes follows the text scaling change without restarting, but the remainder of the screen does not.

Thanks I can make this work.



Some controls adjust automatically, but not all Microsoft controls or 3rd party controls.
I will make this more clear in the next help update.