Writing Metadata (GPS) will delete the GPS information

Started by Triplefin, July 29, 2023, 07:20:03 PM

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I try to store GPS data in my image files (or the related xmp file).
For that I assign the GPS position from the maps panel to the image file. It then shows the globe symbol and the pen to indicate it has GPS data but they are not stored in the image file.
The GPS data show up in the metadata panel. So far so good.

When clicking the pen symbol iMatch should write the metadata into the xmp file. In my case the GPS data instead dissappear from the database and are also not stored into the file. The globe is gone, the location indicator in the map is gone and the GPS data are gone. However, the GPS timestamp remains.
Checking the files with Exiftool or other programms that display GPS data confirms no GPS data in the files.

How can I store the GPS data into the file and keep them in iMatch?

I found this quite strange and wouldn't belief it when told. Hence I made a small low resolution video to show you what happens.

Best regards,


I add GPS coordinates to a JPEG file in the map panel and write back.
The GPS data is written to both the native GPS record in the JPG and the embedded XMP record.
No problems. No reports from other users either.

Including a video does not help very much in this case. I believe that you experienced the problem.
What we would need is:

1. IMatch log file (log file) of the IMatch session where you experienced this problem
2. The output of the ExifTool output panel (View menu > Panels > Output Panel), because this shows us which data ExifTool has written, if there were problems wiring to the file.
3. The image file used, if this problem happens only with specific files.
4. Info about the Metadata settings you use (Edit > Preferences > Metadata 2), if you don't use the default settings.

This gives us enough information to work with.


Hi Mario,

Thanks for your hints. Check the end of this reply to se what I found out in my trials today.

1. Log file is attached.

2. The output panel looks like that:

C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\exif2xmp.args
C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\iptc2xmp.args
C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\gps2xmp.args

-XMP-lr:HierarchicalSubject=Location|Kenya|Narok County|Masai Mara
-XMP-dc:Subject=Location|Kenya|Narok County|Masai Mara
-XMP-xmp:CreatorTool=photools.com IMatch (Windows)

C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\xmp2exif.args
C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\xmp2gps.args


    1 image files updated

    1 image files updated

----- Runtime: 1 s.

3. It happens with Raw (CR3) as well as JPG files. Not file specific.

4. I use the default settings in Metadata 2

What I figured out so far (might still be incomplete):
If I assign GPS data via the Maps panel from a track to a file without GPS data it usually will be written to file.
If I assign GPS data via the Maps panel and a target marker (Zielmarkierung), GPS data will be written to file in all cases.
If I assign GPS data via the Maps panel from a track to a file that already has GPs data (regardless if the source is from tracks, target marker or even embedded GPS like from a smartphone), the GPS data dissappear.


QuoteI assign GPS data via the Maps panel from a track to a file that already has GPs data (regardless if the source is from tracks, target marker or even embedded GPS like from a smartphone), the GPS data dissappear.
Do the GPS coordinates appear in the Metadata Panel?
Or only when you write back? 
If not, are the coordinates marked as modified (pen icon in Metadata Panel)?


Yes, GPS coordinates appear in the Metadata Panel.
When writing back the GPS coordinates disappear also from the Metadata Panel. Can be seen in the video.

Yes, they are marked with the pen icon, but it's not highlighted.

Some additional information, don't know if this is important though: the GPS coordinates in the file were missing in the first place. I assigned correct GPS coordinates in IMatch 6 using tracks in the Map Panel but I didn't write them back then.
Then I updated to IMatch 2023 just recently. Now I try to write back the GPS coordinates that were assigned under IMatch 6.


GPS coordinates disappear also when previoiusly assigned from IMatch 2023. Means I think it has nothing to do with my previoius statement regarding IMatch 6.


I could reproduce and resolve this issue for 2023.1.22.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.