Timeline gives mysterious results

Started by Gerd, November 21, 2013, 10:28:15 AM

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I have selected Timeline-Views, I want to filter my pics on the right side via category-filter: only pics made with CAnon 40D and only pics from all locations, but NOT from location "Achel".

1: I set a + in data-driven category "Canon EOS 40d" (Make and Model - Canon - Canon EOS 40d)
2: I choose "Combine files include with AND"
3: I set a ++ in category "Locations"

Now I activate the Filter and in Timeline 2007 I see no pics, because I got the 40D first in 2008 ... so far so good

Now I remeberd to exclude the pics from location "Achel" (Locations - BE - Achel) and set a -- in category "Achel", because there are two child categories behind it, to exclude them. But if I look in Timeline 2007 I see pics, that belongs to other locations and other cameras.

Why do I see now pics? Do I something wrong? For me the filter should work like:  "40D" AND "Locations - All" AND NOT "Locations - Achel"

First screenshot shows Timeline 2007 with filter "40D" AND "Locations - All",
second screenshot shows Timeline 2007 with filter  "40D" AND "Locations - All" AND NOT "Locations - Achel"

[attachment deleted by admin]


If you want images from All Locations, just don't put anything in Locations.
If you want All Locations, except Achel, ONLY put -- in Achel.


But what shell I do with the other categories, parallel to "Locations" like "Animals", "Events" ....?


Quote from: Gerd on November 21, 2013, 03:32:13 PM
But what shell I do with the other categories, parallel to "Locations" like "Animals", "Events" ....?
If you want them included, then just don't filter them out....

A filter REMOVES images from the file window. So in the Timeline you select what will be in the file window, and with a filter you restrict the actual images that show up.


No Ben, that can not be true, because we have also + and ++ to add, what we want to see...


Gerd I see what you are saying and using a filter you can combine the images from different categories like that but Ben is right.  A filter still removes files from the file window display because without the filter you would see all of the files.



it works as I expect, if I select left e.g. datadriven-cat Canon EOS 40D and on the right with my filter-category settings for including and excluding categories.

In my example with EOS 40D and the filter-settings I get a result of 7.220 pics. Now I select additionan on the RIGHT side also the datadriven category Canon EOS 40D: My result shows again 7.220 pics, that's ok and expected!

Now I change only on the LEFT side the selection from  "Canon EOS 40D" to "Make and Model" (contains all pics: 132.119), the result is again 7.220 pics, that's ok and expected. This means, that the filter-setting on the right side works correct, independent from a more general selection on the left-side. Also selecting the master-category @All (=143.844) give me as result with the filter-settings 7.220 pics!

Please remember, that I have still choosen on the right side the datadriven category  "Canon EOS 40D", which I use from October 2008.

Now I select on the left side Timeline-View (no change on the right-side!) and the year e.g. 2006 ... and now also pics from my older camera Minolta Dimage A1 become visible and that I do not understand ...


Quote from: Gerd on November 21, 2013, 05:00:43 PM
Now I select on the left side Timeline-View (no change on the right-side!) and the year e.g. 2006 ... and now also pics from my older camera Minolta Dimage A1 become visible and that I do not understand ...
Switch of the filter, select 2006 in timeline view. Do these older images show up?
If yes than the filter most probably works as it should...........


Hi Ben,

I do not want to see the older oic s, because I set the filter to show only EOS 40D pics! If it works correct, I expect in 2006 0 pics, in 2007 0 pics and some in 2008!

But now it comes: If I choose in timeline 2008I got 1.057 pics from 13.870, the oldes one from 5. Oct. 2008, that's ok and all pics are only fromEOS 40D.

Now I click on January from 2008 and I got 429 pics shown from at that ti,me my Fuji S9600! Click I back to 2008, only EOS 40D pics are shown ... can you explain this?

Due to some private pics I used for the screenshot the February 2008.

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it works fine in Timeline and the filter-panel, if I use + and ++, but it goes wrong, if I use - or -- for child-categories ...

... or do I a big thinking-Error ???

Sceenshot 1 gives no pics, because there are no pics from all Canon-cameras at this date. But if I select all canon-cameras, but not EOS 7D, then the Fuji-pics are displayed (sceenshot 2).

[attachment deleted by admin]


I don't know what to tell you Gerd other than I cannot duplicate your problem on my machine. 

Can you upload a sample Fuji image we can test with?  Since your problems seem to be filtering data-driven categories I'm wondering what the metadata is in those Fuji images?  And what your data-driven category configuration is (your screen shots don't show us where the Fuji images are in the data-driven category).


Hi John,

it is so easy ...

you can do it with every set of categories, you only need a category with child categories, where you in the filter-panel select two categories with ++ and in one of these categories you un select a child-categort with -, then go to timeline and check the results per year, per month and per day ...


Much more simpler:

in filter-panel (first clicked on settings: clear active filter) I select (+)Canon EOS 40D and (-)Canon EOS 60D.

This is for me: show pics from EOS 40D AND suppress pics from EOS 60D ... but I got pics from my Fuji as result. But this is only in timeline-month, where I have NO pics from Canon EOS:

October 2008: 1.665 pics general, mix from Canon and Fuji
Fuji: 99
Canon: 1.566 (only 40D)

Filter: (+)EOS 40D: 1.566

Filter: (+)EOS 40D AND (-)EOS 60D: 1.566

September 2008: 1.052 pics general, mix from Fuji and other, but no Canon
Fuji: 1.038
Canon: 0
Other: 14

Filter: (+)EOS 40D: 0
Filter: (+)EOS 40D AND (-)EOS 60D: 1.052 (all pics !!!)

Is this a bug or normal?
