Finally create a "cloud-words" for countries, cities and so on

Started by sinus, August 11, 2023, 08:37:12 AM

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At the moment my brain seems to be quite blank.  :P

I want have a list from some metadata-fields, in an order, what value is most used.

Say, countries. 
The list should be like:

Switzerland (222'000)
Germany (50'000)
Italy (20'000)
Finland (5'000)
Portugal (4'000)
Hawai (2'000)

The final target is, based on this list to create something like in my attachment. 
You see the idea, I am sure.

I doubt, that we have an app. 
I guess, I have to start with a category (Data driven)?
Curious, it is not monday, but my brain ....
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)



All set.. just need to allow the user to choose which Category to post the cloud about and the total number of results..  pretty cool though.. this is how it looks using the Top Level Locations in my database:



IMatch also uses this kind of tag clouds e.g. for Keyword Suggestions and Recently Used Keywords, to indicate the relative importance:



Yes.. I've always like this feature.. kinda a big fan of Cloud maps!

I should have the code available by the end of the weekend.. just need to modify it to make it a bit more open ended.. right now things are hardcoded to the locations standard category.  I also need to come up with an algorithm of ensuring smaller categories are still represented but larger cats don't "overwhelm" the screen... 

Stay tuned!


Wow, impressive, Andy! :)

Looks very good.
Hey, you like south of Europe, maybe. ;D
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Hi Markus - I just uploaded a "working" version of the APP.  Not sure how it will look on other folk's data so it probably needs a bit of work but when you have a moment, please take a peek and let me know if I'm on the right track or not.

I love ALL of Europe... :-)  Hope to visit a few more countries in the coming years as well... if you are anywhere near Basel - I might be in the "neighborhood" this fall!  


Hey Andy, 
cool, thanks a lot, I have just  downloaded your app.
I have today quite a lot to do, but I guess, I can have a short look at it. 

Basel ... :D I am in Aarau, that is by car say 45 minutes. 
If you like, when you are in Basel, you can let it know me, maybe I could come to Basel for having a cup of coffee somewhere. 
Would be cool, although my spoken and understand spoken English is quite poor, I am afraid. 
The world is big, but the world is also small, it depends ...
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)