Show Timezone offset does not work

Started by Mees Dekker, August 17, 2023, 08:40:42 AM

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Mees Dekker

If I recall correctly, this was reported earlier by somebody else, but I can't find the topic.

I've activated "Always show timezone offset" in the metadatapanel. However: the metadata panel still works as default: no timezoneoffset is shown when it matches my local timezone.

Anything I'm overlooking here?



Is this an Apple file?
Does it have an XMP record with time stamps without a time zone offset?

I've just explained about this particular problem here:,13524.msg95295/topicseen.html#msg95295

Mees Dekker

No, this is not an Apple file but a regular CR2 file
Yes, it does have a XMP record, but no timeoffset (see below). However: creator tool was IMatch

I've read the explanation from Mario.,13524.msg95295/topicseen.html#msg95295

Could there be a glitch somewhere? If needed, I can send both the original file and the XMP.


I assume the metadata in the file was written with a version before IMatch 2023 and the new time zone offset handling.
You can send me the file with a link back to this topic.

Mees Dekker

This file indeed created before IMATCH 2023

However: also all files cretaed yesterday (August 17, 2023) by Imatch have the same issue. Files will be send to you.


Thanks for sending the files.

The file Croonemate (454).CR2 has these EXIF time stamps:

[ExifIFD]      Date/Time Original : 2021:08:17 16:00:13
[ExifIFD]      Create Date        : 2021:08:17 16:03:13

and no EXIF time zone offsets.

The XMP record was produced by Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw and has these time stamps:
[XMP-photoshop] Date Created  : 2021:08:17 16:00:13.03
[XMP-xmp]      Create Date    : 2021:08:17 16:03:13.030

IMatch now (with the bug fix #2011 in the release notes) sets the date subject created and create date as follows:

2021:08:17 16:03:13.030+02:00
2021:08:17 16:03:13.030+02:00

+02:00 is my current time zone.

The file "Probus Tegelroute (009).CR2" has these EXIF time stamps:

[ExifIFD]      Date/Time Original              : 2023:08:16 11:28:11
[ExifIFD]      Create Date                    : 2023:08:16 11:28:11

and no time zone offset.

The XMP was written by IMatch and has these time stamps:

[XMP-photoshop] Date Created                    : 2023:08:16 11:28:11.00
[XMP-xmp]      Create Date                    : 2023:08:16 11:28:11.00

IMatch now (with the bug fix #2011 in the release notes) sets the date subject created and create date as follows:

2023:08:16 11:28:11.00+02:00
2023:08:16 11:28:11.00+02:00

which is the correct offset.

Unless disabled, the files will be marked as pending due to the added time zone after import (or an explicit metadata reload using Shift+Ctrl+F5 > Reload Metadata).

If you write the file back at some time, IMatch will write the new time stamps, with the correct time zone offset.