Problems with scaling

Started by Darius1968, August 28, 2023, 09:38:03 AM

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I'm running Windows 11 on a 28" 4K monitor.  Windows scaling 150%, text scaling 200%. 
I have the Apply Windows text scaling setting active, and as the following screenshots show, there are obvious problems: 


There is obviously a big discrepancy in text size between the two images.  And, as seen on the left, sometimes, it is impossible to make use of the data for obvious reasons.  

I have to have the text scaling option on because without it, I cannot read the text.  I don't want to set the Windows scaling any higher than I have it now because I don't want to compromise on screen real estate. 

This tendency for there to be such discrepancy in text size for different elements is also witnessed in my caption bar below: 

Caption Bar.png

The text for the folder path is way too small, while that for the files and their sizes is way too big!  So, how can I strike a compromise so that there is a happy medium in text size? 


Scaling 200% (max)? Wow. That's a lot.

This makes it very hard for me to reproduce this since all the software I use for development goes nuts at 200% text scaling and I can barely see enough code to debug.

I'll try though. I'll move this to bug reports, where it belongs.


I have made some improvements for the File Window caption and the panel headers in the Keywords and Metadata Panel.

I could not reproduce the badly aligned category names in the Category Panel and neither the super-small expand/collapse icons in the category tree. At 150% scaling and 200% text scaling, this is what I see here:


I see a lot of problems in Windows itself, in Windows Explorer etc. at these large font settings, though.


Thanks for at least doing on your end what you can to address the issue.  I'll evaluate at the next version of IMatch.