Face Detection and Database Diagnosis Warnings

Started by CVKen3, September 16, 2023, 11:37:43 PM

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I've been doing a lot of face detection on files recently and have found a couple of things that produce warnings when I run the Database Diagnostics tool. They both involve using face detection from the viewer.

Note that this doesn't happen when I bulk-run a bunch of files from the File Window.

1. If I have a file with existing faces that I open in the viewer and then re-run face detection by pressing F6 and selecting the "Remove faces and run face detection again" option, this will often cause the following "sort order" warning in the diagnostics log file:

PersonManager Stats:
    Files with faces: 36357
    Persons: 255
    Faces: 82438
    Confirmed: 82438
    Unconfirmed: 0
    Unassigned: 0
    Manual: 0
    Warning: File [94490] face [137975] has a mismatch in face/anno sort order.
    Files: 36357
    Faces: 82438
    Entities: 82438. Confirmed: 82438
    Entity keywords: 75958.
    Vector data size: 40496KB
    Thumbnail data size: 674252KB
    Annotations without face data: 28740KB

2. The second warning is harder to reproduce. Sometimes I get a "missing keywords" error in the log file. I can reproduce it when I do bulk face detection on a group of files (running diagnostics here produces no error), then going through the files in the viewer and correcting issues.

I have a group of 50 files I can do this with that produces ONE warning (below). The various actions I take are: verify names by checking the checkbox, correcting assigned names, inserting new faces (INSERT then drag), deleting extra faces, and assigning names to faces with "?" for a name. I have tried doing each of these individually, but that produces no warning. Doing them all does produce this warning:

PersonManager Stats:
    Files with faces: 36357
    Persons: 255
    Faces: 82438
    Confirmed: 82438
    Unconfirmed: 0
    Unassigned: 0
    Manual: 0
    Warning: Missing keywords for entity [13] for file [97813]. Fixed.
    Files: 36357
    Faces: 82438
    Entities: 82438. Confirmed: 82438
    Entity keywords: 75958.
    Vector data size: 40496KB
    Thumbnail data size: 674252KB
    Annotations without face data: 28740KB


I have fixed an issue with out-of-order face annotations for the next release that was caused when the user duplicated a file with face annotations inside the database under some conditions. This also fixed what you report as issue 1.

Regarding 2, the workflow to reproduce this seems somewhat fuzzy.
I've made a quick test but could so far not reproduce this. I work with large amounts of images containing faces, and perform the operations you describe as part of my normal workflow. I have so far not seen and keyword-related warning.

Confirming a person assigns the person's keywords.
Changing a confirmed person from A to B, removes the A keywords and adds the B keywords.
You can check after each operation you perform in the Keywords Panel if the keywords have been properly updated.
This should allow to find a more precise operation or sequence of operations that cause this.


Thanks for the update. Yes, the second problem isn't totally clear on how to reproduce. I've tried to isolate it, but so far haven't been able to. Fortunately, it is much less frequent, so less of an issue.

If I ever figure it out, I'll file a new report. :)