Do we still need need Auto Pause in File Windows?

Started by Mario, October 11, 2023, 05:58:56 PM

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I've introduced this feature in IMatch 5, when computers were a lot slower than today.
Do we still need it?

Having a pause function for the File Window is helpful, e.g. when you work in the Category View.
You press Pause in the File Window when needed and un-pause when done.

But I don't think we still need auto pause for File Windows.
Let me know via the Poll above.


I submitted a "Yes" vote.  But, with that said, it's not the auto-pause that I use; It's the manual-pause that I use to effect a pause, if I'm about to click a folder/category that has over 100K files, for instance. 


Manual pause is very useful and will remain. It's all about the auto-pause in this poll.


In that case, I hereby change my vote to Nope, no need


Will the filters always be updated whenever a change happens, or can there be situations when we need a "force update"?
I sometimws used it for that purpose


Under which condition does the File Window not update when you change something in the Filter Panel?
Please provide details and steps to reproduce.

I don't see why auto-pause would help with that. The pause button will remain, and pressing <F5> while the File Window is the active window (click into it!) also reloads the File Window.

Mees Dekker


Nope... even when loading my entire database of files, IMatch is quite fast enough to never need an auto-pause.  Congrats!

Rene Toepfer

Auto pause is a general setting for me but it can be waived. As Mario confirmed manual pause remains.