Selected Sort Profile switches after closing Preferences

Started by axel.hennig, November 20, 2023, 02:00:19 PM

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IMatch 2023.4.6

Steps to reproduce:
  • Open in Media & Folders view a folder containing some images
  • Select a Sort Profile which is not Default (e.g. Flag)
  • Open Edit > Preferences
  • Open Edit Attributes
  • Klick OK

Selected Sort Profile should now be Default... which seems to be a bug.


Opening global preferences and storing them with OK will cause a large number of events on the IMatch message bus, causing all File Windows to reload.

File Windows are not informed when the user opens the global preferences and thus the mechanism for storing the current settings is not triggered. This only happens when the user switches to another File Window or the File Window closes because IMatch closes or a new database is loaded.

Not sure if this particular scenario is important enough to spend time on caching this order of operations and somehow make all File Windows store their current state...


Quote from: Mario on November 20, 2023, 02:25:33 PMNot sure if this particular scenario is important enough to spend time on caching this order of operations and somehow make all File Windows store their current state...

Fair point and I can understand this.

BUT: Why does this not happen when I'm in Edit > Preferences > Slide Show? So having Sort Profile "Flag", opening the Preferences, go to "Slide Show" (not coming from Edit Attributes) click OK, then I'm still at "Flag" (Sort Profile) and not switching to Default.


Changes to the Attribute database may affect File Windows and hence cause a reload.
Slide show settings may not affect File Windows and hence no reload?


Checked all tabs under Preferences. Only happens for "Edit Attributes" and "Sort Profiles".

Quote from: Mario on November 20, 2023, 03:26:02 PMChanges to the Attribute database may affect File Windows and hence cause a reload.

Might be true of course, but sounds unlikely to me, because: The tabs "File Window" and "File Window Tip" should also affect File Windows and they don't change the Sort Profile.


