User preference for key shortcut key sequence timeout

Started by lenmerkel, August 08, 2014, 06:28:50 AM

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The timeout for a multi-key shortcut sequence is 1 second. For example, <F9>,E is recognized as the ECP shortcut only if the <E> is pressed within 1 second of the <F9>. Normally, this is fine.

I often remotely access my home-based IMatch workstation from my workplace using Remote Desktop via a VPN. The lag time with such a remote connection means that sometimes there is more than a second delay between the two key presses being registered on my IMatch system, no matter how fast I hit (and release) the keys locally. This is a pain when I intend to open App Panel 1 with <F9>,1 only to find that I've inadvertently assigned a 1-star rating to whichever image currently had the focus.

If possible, it would be handy to be able to set that multi-key sequence timeout in preferences.

Priority: Low.
Get-around: None (other than avoid using remote connections).
Over the hill, and enjoying the glide.