Duplicate keywords in metadata after Category panel assignment

Started by rvelices, December 10, 2023, 07:43:37 PM

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I encounter an issue (maybe I do something wrong) and I get duplicate keywords in IPTC:Keywords and XMP:Subject

1. Image with a single keyword (screen capture 1)
2. Assign a second keyword using the Category panel ( just click the checkbox of a child of @Keywords category)
3. Write metadata back ( screen capture 2)
4. Display metadata (screen capture 3) - See the duplicate of the initial keyword

The issue arises only when using the Categories panel. The Keywords panel works fine.

Any idea please ?
Thank you



Is the keyword already duplicate in the Keywords Panel after you assign it via the Categories Panel?
Which file format does the image have?

If you can reproduce this at will, please

1. Add a keyword via the Categories Panel
2. Open the ExifTool output panel via View menu > Panels
3. Write back

Select the contents of the output panel and copy the text into the clipboard.
Paste into Notepad, save to a text file and attach to your reply.

When you run the Metadata Analyst app for the file, does it display warnings and/or errors?
If so, use the GREEN button at the top to copy the info into the clipboard and paste into your reply (or paste into a text file and attach).


Hello Mario,

It's reproductible. Image is JPG.The keyword is duplicated only in metadata write back.

 Attached is the requested info (Metadata analyst before and after, exiftool output)


I also tried adding the keyword from the keywords panel. As before, it works flawlessly. I attach the Exiftool panel output here.

I see there is a difference in arguments. In the "correct" case - keywords panel, there are the additional parameters:


I hope this helps.


I could reproduce this and fixed it. Which took some considerable time due to the complex nature of repeatable keywords.
The keywords were stored in the database just fine when indirectly set via @Keywords. But under some conditions a table was not updated, which caused IMatch to skip deleting existing keywords before setting keywords during write-back. Hence the duplicates.

This should fix itself when you write-back the file again.