Some Icons In Attributes Panel Unresponsive (IMatch 2023.5.2)

Started by Darius1968, December 16, 2023, 03:47:45 PM

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I've just upgraded to IMatch 2023.5.2 and have the soon-to-be official ribbon icons turned on.  This way, I can not add/delete records to the file(s) table.  Additionally, the icons corresponding to "Reset the table...", "Copies the selected contents...", and probably "Paste clipboard contents..." are unresponsive as well. 


QuoteI've just upgraded to IMatch 2023.5.2 and have the soon-to-be official ribbon icons turned on.
Very good. Thanks for helping with testing. The more users test, the quicker I can find and fix all issues.

All ribbon buttons in the Attributes Panel work just fine. Just tried.
Or do you mean Edit > Preferences > Edit Attributes?
In that case, the copy & paste never worked there and reset layout cannot work. I probably should disable the buttons in that dialog, but this is that way since IMatch 5 and nobody every reported this.
What is a files table? Do you mean an Attribute Set you named "Files"?


You're welcome :)

I mean the Attributes panel itself:  For example, the button (6th from left) to append a new record isn't working.  Instead, in my case, I have to either right-click->Append or Ctrl+Page down to get a new record added. 

I'm referring to adding a new record to an Attribute Set. 


I see the same behaviour as Darius:
I have a file-based attribute set with multiple attributes. A file without any attribute records is selected. I try to add a record by clicking on the greenish "Append a new record" icon. Nothing happens. This is independent from the setting for "Single/Merge" mode.
However, it is possible to add new records using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-Pg Down). But this is only possible if none of the icons is selected (they show a yellow dotted frame when selected). If any icon is selected, the shortcut does not work either.

2023-12-16 19_10_42-IM Test 01.imd5.jpg
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


I now added a record using Ctrl-PgDown, just to have at least one record available. I can confirm that the icons for "Copy to clipboard" and "Delete record" do also not react. They can be "activated" by clicking, but nothing happens (other than showing the yellow frame). Shortcuts work, as long as no icon is active.
The only icons that cause any action are the "Settings" icon and the "Single/Merge mode" icon.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Your panel shows now rows. Hence Copy and paste must be disabled.
Add a row, select the row (blue background). Then both buttons will be enabled and functional. Also the delete row will become enabled. This is independent from whether the ribbon or toolbar is used.

Just tried, works. Made some copies of the first record.


Also tried the Append button. Also works. In both modes.

What happens when disable experimental mode?
The command handling and logic has not changed in the Attributes Panel. It's just the toolbar or ribbon.
I don't see any issues here or in the code that could cause this.


Hm, strange. Does not work for me.For example, here I have some records. Second line is selected. Therefore, "Copy", "Add", "Delete record" are all available.
2023-12-16 19_37_13-IM Test 01.imd5.jpg

But I can click on the icons as often as I want, nothing happens.
And just for the record, I have only one monitor connected, standard UHD, 150% scaling.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Ha! I think I found something: I had two file-based attribute sets in my test database. I now deleted one of them, and suddenly the icons worked.
Then I added a second attribute set again - icons stop working.
Please check if this is reproducible for you.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Good find, thanks :)
As I always say, all details matter in a bug report.

I could reproduce and fix this for the next release.
The problem was caused by the "tab control" that displays when there is more than one file-based Attribute Set and allows the user to select the set to edit.
The tab control did not properly forward messages to the active grid, which disabled the command handlers which disabled the toolbar / ribbon buttons.

This seems to have crept in with an update of the 3rd party user interface toolkit since the code dealing with this in IMatch itself is probably still the same as for version 5. I have now added a work-around to make this work again and will contact the toolkit vendor about this issue. Their support response times are measured in weeks, not days, unfortunately. Which is why I phase their code out bit by bit and replace it with my own code.
