File date attributes in metadata panel

Started by janb83, December 17, 2023, 09:29:12 AM

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Note: Feel free to move this to the feature request board if the feature does not exist.

I am wondering if there is a way to achieve the following in the Metadata panel which would be very helpful to me.

I have a dedicated Metadata layout showing all the various date tags for verification purposes. I would also like to show/see the actual filesystem date (modified/created/accessed) here but there doesn't seem to be a way to do this. Please note that I do not mean tags or internal IMatch interpretations. I mean the actual file attributes as any OS would report them. These are mainly needed for comparison with tags and verification of stuff like Metadata template effects.


Addendum 1: According to the documentation, the ExifTool Extra tags should contain the information I am interested in (, e.g. FileCreateDate. But it seems these "pseudo"-tags as ExifTool calls them are never actually filled in IMatch and can only be used to write to the file (maybe? did not try this).

Addendum 2: It would also be very nice to be able to display IMatch's own File.DateTime value in the same panel, even if it might not be considered file metadata (technically it is generated application metadata for the file, which is a subtle difference).


IMatch does not import file-system related tags ExifTool produces, including the tags you mention.
These would be redundant since IMatch manages the same time stamps already internally.

The Metadata Panel is designed to show all metadata tags IMatch has or created, like\1510\cameraname

You can access the file system created and file system modified timestamps conveniently via these variables:
{File.Created} and {File.Modified}. IMatch's global File.DateTime is available as {File.DateTime}, in several variants.

You can display these variables in the VarToy app or include them in a File Window Layouts you create for the purpose of displaying multiple metadata and file system timestamps side-by-side for easy comparison.
That's what I would do, because this way, I can easily see the time stamps for many files at once in the File Window.


Thanks Mario

It's good to know about the variables. Unfortunately, they are not an alternative for me. I did set them up in the VarToy now, but they are impossible to visually align with the metadata info from the panel. So I cannot use them there (or in the File Viewer for quick cross-referencing. The aligned and sorted metadata panel is perfect for that.

Quote from: Mario on December 17, 2023, 01:01:25 PMIMatch does not import file-system related tags ExifTool produces, including the tags you mention.
These would be redundant since IMatch manages the same time stamps already internally.

Luckily, this turns out not be true. All I needed to do was enable the Extra tags in the Tag Manager and rescan the files. The tags are now populated and can be used in the metadata panel :) I had no idea some Tags are disabled by default. Maybe a warning when configuring a disabled tag in the panel would help with that.


I doubt many users will ever have a need for this. Your situation may be special.
The only reason the Extra tags show in the Tag Manager are for the Extra\Error tag IMatch does import by default. The other tags are most likely useless for the majority of users.

Feel free to make a feature request in the feature request board when you want an enhancement or a new feature.
This way other users can see and comment on it and it is not lost somewhere in a General Discussion thread from weeks ago.