Displaying geographical coordinates in file window

Started by hamishr, December 29, 2023, 08:37:05 AM

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1. When I try to display the latitude [i.e. {File.MD.XMP::exif\GPSLatitude\GPSLatitude\0}] and longitude [i.e. {File.MD.XMP::exif\GPSLongitude\GPSLongitude\0}] for each file in the file window, using a custom layout, the coordinates are only shown if the destination coordinates are filled in. Why is this?

2. I came across an old thread (2013) requesting the ability to display coordinates in decimal degrees in the file window. Is this still not possible without using an app?



If you access tags like {File.MD.XMP::exif\GPSLongitude\GPSLongitude\0} or {File.MD.XMP::exif\GPSLatitude\GPSLatitude\0}, they deliver the formatted value by default, e.g.


13 deg 24' 6.48" E
52 deg 31' 5.31" N

To get decimals (aka the unformatted/raw value in this case), use the value:raw formatting function, like with all other tags:

{File.MD.XMP::exif\GPSLatitude\GPSLatitude|0|value:raw }


See Metadata Variables: Formatted and Raw

This always worked since variables were introduced. You quote a 10 year old thread but don't include a link to it so this is not helpful since we don't know which thread you mean or what it contains.

These variables were used on a file which has no destination coordinates, only created coordinates.
Not sure why you would not see values in this case. More details needed. Sample image which exhibits this particular problem etc.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thanks Mario for explaining how to display the raw values. Regarding the problem I have been having with displaying coordinates, it turns out that they only display after writing back the metadata. It has nothing to do with whether or not the destination coordinates are filled in (its just that when they have been filled in, the metadata has been written back).


It seems that the coordinates that are not displayed until written back are those generated from a track log.


Sorry to keep adding things on, but I have now found that the problem of not displaying track log based coordinates is solved if value:raw is specified. If value:raw is not specified then I can only get the coordinate to display after writing back the metadata.


QuoteIf value:raw is not specified then I can only get the coordinate to display after writing back the metadata.

The formatted value (the text) is filled by ExifTool during re-import after write-back. IMatch internally only works with the raw (decimal) value for GPS coordinates for precision. This is explained in the section about using raw and formatted values in the Metadata Panel (Using Raw Values) and also applies to metadata variables. I'm sure it is mentioned in the help topic somewhere.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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