Text is too big on my second monitor

Started by sinus, December 27, 2023, 08:56:50 AM

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Just now installed the newest version (2023.5.6) after the second new.

Now on my second monitor it looks not more good (the first time with IMatch this happens), some texts are simply too big.

Like the panels in the "Categories", or the whole text in "Import & Export" or the bottome, when I "fold" panels into each other.

Nothing big of course, but it looks simply not good.
I have tried to put of the "experimental mode" and the "Apply Windows text scaling" - but both did not help.
Is there anything else, what I could try?
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Windows now properly scales IMatch windows based on the DPI settings.
I always thought it would, but the once suggested functions to ensure this were invalidated by Microsoft. After enabling this in the IMatch manifest, things work as intended finally. This solves problems like tooltips showing at in the wrong position, mouse-clicks not being recognized, panels being restored wrong etc

If your monitors have different DPI settings, windows and panels must show at different sizes, obviously.

The only way to make this look smaller again is removing the declaration in the manifest again, which brings all the problems back that I have solved with this. I've explained about this in this community post in great detail.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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Thanks, Mario
I will read your link ... ah, I see, a lot to read, very good!  :)

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I've figured out the problem and will declare IMatch as non-DPI aware as before. This will make Windows scale IMatch windows and panels not on the main monitor according to DPI.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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