Is there an Index to the Knowledge Base?

Started by PandDLong, January 18, 2024, 08:51:03 PM

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In the past, I have found a couple articles in the knowledge base very useful.  Typically, I was given (or found) a link to a specific article through a forum post.

Today, I went to the knowledge base but I didn't see an index or other type of summary of all the articles to help me find specific topics. 

Is there an index or do I just need to scroll through all the articles?



The KB is old and I don't really maintain it any longer.
Not since the IMatch Help System went online. I only did the KB to make Google happy and index more pages (much of the web these days is designed to work for Google, not people).

The entry page for the KB is linked in the "Support" main menu on

This lists all the articles filed under KB.


Ok. Thanks for the info.   The online Help is excellent and should definitely be the priority.

That is the link I was using, I will scroll through to see if there are useful articles I want to bookmark.
