Port for Imatch webservices seems to be random

Started by ben, February 09, 2024, 04:47:38 PM

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i recently moved to a new computer and wanted to used my self written scripts for the first time.
It seems the REST calls are not answered.

I checked the Port definition and this is where i am stuck:
  • I can open example links from IMatch WebServices Documentation also in the webbrowser, e.g.:
  • But at the same time the port configuration tells me:
    preferences -> Embedded IMatch WebServices
    Port Number: 50.519

Whenever i change the port configuration, the link embedded in IMatch WebServices Documentation changes as well.
But it is always another number as under preferences.

Am I missing something?
Thanks Ben


This should happen only if the port number you configured is already in use by another application.
See also the Port number topic in the help. Maybe the netstat command described there can tell you if the ports are blocked and by which application.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


You can see the port numbers IMatch has tried in the log file.
IMatch tries to open the configured port. If this is not possible (port locked by other application), IMatch tries to find the next free port.

It is not unusual today that different ports are locked in different Windows sessions - sometimes even for a short time span only. netstat may show a port as free - but it might not have been free when IMatch tried.

The automatic "portscan" allows IMatch to simply work in almost all cases. Only if IMatch is unable to find a free port, you'll be notified and anything that's based on an app in IMatch will not work until you configure a usable port yourself.


Ok, understood, thank you.
I changed the port according to the help in steps of 20 and now it works.
Though, netstat didn't show the previous port (default) as used.
Well, now it works.
