Timeline not recognizing time change (via TimeWiz).

Started by twofid, February 09, 2024, 09:40:48 PM

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Hello All,

I'm working thru iMatch's rather large learning curve (before starting the transition to a proper DAM) and I've run into a possible bug or more likely a lack of understanding  ;-)

When I use TimeWiz to change the time-zone (from -7:00 to +13:00) the changes are displayed correctly in "Create Date" and "Date Subject Created". Even the day is incremented correctly (from the 13th to the 14th). However, when I view them in either the Timeline or Media&Folders views they still show up on the 13th.

I have tried the following:
1. rescanned the folder containing the files
2. rebuilt the timeline
3. recalculate File.Date.Time
4. run database diagnostics - no errors
5. used VarToy to verify the correct date and time-zone

I also tried using advanced logging (as per an earlier posting) to see if it contained  CIMTimeline::OnFileAdd and CIMTimeline::OnFileUpdate. Neither where found.
However, it does have CIMTimeline::RebuildTimeLine entires.

The only thing I can find that may be the culprit is the inability to change "Exif::Main\OffsetTime" to +13:00 from it's -7:00. When I do it (via the Metadata Browser), it accepts the change, but when doing the writeback it reverts back to -7:00

I have attached the logfile and a representative image file with the updated time-zone.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks


The EXIF time zones are set automatically when IMatch writes back, during the mapping of XMP into native EXIF data. You don't manipulate them directly. Never manipulate native EXIF data in IMatch, always use XMP data. When you manipulate EXIF or GPS native metadata directly, your changes will be wiped during write-back. Or it will cause other problems.

I view them in either the Timeline or Media&Folders views they still show up on the 13th.

Do you use the "Default" layout in the File Window? This layout, as the timeline, use the global File.DateTime timestamp IMatch maintains for all files. See How IMatch uses Date and Time Information for details.
If you open the File Window Layout editor, which time stamp attribute is present in the layout you use?

I have downloaded the sample image. The metadata was written by a software which identifies itself only by 12.4.4, but since the make reports Apple, this is normal.

After import, I used these variables to output all relevant time stamps. The FDT refers to the File.DateTime timestamp:

FDT: {File.DateTime}
FDT: {File.DateTime.TZO}
UTC: {File.DateTime.UTC}
LT: {File.DateTime.Local}
LT: {File.DateTime.Local.TZO}
Org: {File.DateTime.Original}
Org: {File.DateTime.Original.TZO}

FDT: 14.03.2020 09:17:39
FDT: 14.03.2020 09:17:39+13:00
UTC: 13.03.2020 20:17:39
LT: 13.03.2020 21:17:39
LT: 13.03.2020 21:17:39+01:00
Org: 14.03.2020 09:17:39
Org: 14.03.2020 09:17:39+13:00

which matches the date and time in the file. I assume this is the image after you have changed the time stamps and wrote back?

The File.DateTime is displayed correctly in the Media & Folders View. I've tried all of the available File Window Layout attributes to display the original time, local time and UTC time.

The Timeline View shows the file on the 13. not 14., because it uses the local time zone and in my case the local time is 13.03.2020 21:17:39+01:00.

When I change the time zone offset for create date / date subject created in the Metadata Panel to +02:00 for a test (this does the same as changing it in TimeWiz), the local time changes to 14.03.2020 08:17:39+01:00 and the TimeLine now also shows the file on the 14th.

For me, all this looks correct.

Maybe the confusion on your side comes from displaying local time vs. original time vs. File.DateTime?


I did a quick test:
Created a new Windows folder i.e. 22 and copied all the files in 13 (which have the corrected date/time-zone) into it.
Then ran the Commands>Add or Update Folders on it, with following results.

Media & Folders displayed the new folder (22) with the correct file count and folder structure (2020/Mar/22).

The Timeline did not display the 22 folder, but strangely added the files to 13 causing duplicates.

Now I'm truely confused... 



What was the expected outcome of your test?
You added duplicates of the files via a new folder. The Timeline View will show the files on the same day as before, but now every file will show twice - once from the original folder and once from the "22" folder.
The name of then folder or how many copies of a file you create is irrelevant for the Timeline.

Copy the variables if have shown in my reply into the VarToy app and show us the results.
The local time is what the Timeline uses to organize your files.



results:  as expected
2020-03-14 9:17:39 AM
2020-03-13 2:17:39 PM
2020-03-13 2:17:39 PM-06:00
2020-03-14 9:17:39 AM
2020-03-14 9:17:39 AM+13:00

What I didn't realize was that the timeline (much like the renamer) defaults/uses the File.DateTime.Local value when laying out the files. Is there a way to use the File.DateTime.Original value? I was able to get renamer to use it (variable) when creating/copying the file to a correctly named folder (File.DateTime.Original).

I tried finding something in the Preferences, but didn't find anything. I'd prefer to use the original/created date for my timeline. Is this possible?


As I said in my first reply, the Timeline uses the local time, not UTC or Original time.
There is no option to change this.


Thanks for the quick reply Mario, it's rare these days to receive feedback in such a timely manner. It's one the main reasons why I selected iMatch for my photo and video management.

Even if that feedback isn't always what we want to hear  ;-)

Is it worth putting this capability in as a product improvement/feature request?
Or is the level of work just not worth the effort?

Thanks again for helping an old guy understand your excellent product.


Add a FR so we can see if this is a issue other users want to see solved.
The Timeline View uses the local time since IMatch 5 (2016) and it might not be considered an issue by most users. I guess, for most users original time equals local time.

If your FR gets a sufficient number of likes, I'll have a look.