easiest way to copy metadata to another file

Started by sinus, February 12, 2024, 03:46:30 PM

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I have often one file with correct gps - Data - files, these different tags like city, Country, altitude and so on I can also see in the metadata.

Now I have 20 other files, to what I want copy all these gps-data.
I know, there are several ways to do this, but to be honest, I am a bit confused.

I am looking for the easiest way to do this. 
This scenario happens quite often, that is why I am asking.

At the moment I do this by go into a metadata template, select all the files with the "good file" focused. And then I click on each gps-pencil in the tags. 


Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I select the file with the good GPS and Ctrl-C

Then select the files I want to copy to and Ctrl-Shift-V and select to copy GPS

Works for me but may not be the easiest


When users refer to GPS data, it is always somewhat fuzzy. Which GPS data, precisely?

Coordinates? Altitude too?
Created and/or Destination Coordinates?
Maybe some other GPS data too, like time stamps and GPS version info?

The Copy > Paste Attributes command (Ctrl+C, Shift+Ctrl+V) copies Created and/or Shown Coordinates from one file to many other files. Copying Attributes, Metadata and Categories Between Files
It's great for quickly copying predefined sets of data between files. It also supports copying IMatch Attributes!

It does not copy other GPS data or location data retrieved via reverse geocoding or manually filled by the user.
Consider this rather "complete" set of location data, including coordinates:


If you want to copy all of this, use the Copy & Paste feature in the Metadata Panel. This allows you to select the tags to copy and you can then paste the data into any number of files. More control and more flexible:
Copying Metadata Between Files

And you can of course also use a Metadata Template, if you want to make this more automatic or only want to simply copy created lat/lon/alt. Maybe in combination with some other tags.

If you work with reoccurring GPS coordinates (shooting at the same places frequently),  I would consider adding each place once in AutoFill


Ah, thanks Roland and Mario,

I see, I have to read the hepl carefully. I think, I will go via copy templates, I have to check this out.

Well, Mario, you are correct, GPS is quite a "big" thing in the meantime, specialy with this shown and standard - stuff.
I will read it better and also see, what "write-back" does to the GPS and so on. 

My view it now a big step clearer, thanks both of you!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


If you mean Metadata Templates with "copy templates", that's a way to do it, especially if you have to do it often and you only want to copy some coordinates (created and/or dest).

That's why my first question was what you mean with GPS data.