Thumnails layout

Started by zematima, February 29, 2024, 11:48:44 AM

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Hi all:
I have a layout for my movies as you can see (only the 2 upper levels) on 1.jpg
As you can see on 2.jpg you can see the code (works fine) I use for the header 2 left and right.
The header 2 right shows the extension and a key in yellow when the file as a keyword or in grey when it hasn't.
The problem is when I try to add this code - {File.MD.XMP::exif\FlashFired\FlashFired\0|pereplace:0==<Image Source='D:\Fotos IMatch\Icons\Sem_Fl.png'/>;pereplace:1==<Image Source='D:\Fotos IMatch\Icons\Com_Fl.png'/>} - on header 2 right it doesn't show the icon. In an empty header or footer it works just fine.
The Sem_FL and the Com_Fl are a 24x24 png files and should put the file Com_FL if the flash was fired or the Sem_Fl file if the flash wasn't fired.
So the question is why doesn't it show the icon ? Is it a problem of space ? If so how can I fix it , if it can be done?
Thanks in advance,


I've tried to reproduce this using all four headers and it always worked.
I placed two PNG files in c:\temp and show them depending on whether flash fired is 0 or 1. No icon i shown when FlashFired is empty.

I used the settings attached below and get this result:


Maybe the text size of 10 you have entered is too small? Try to clear that filed, or enter something between 24 and 32 to match the height of the PNG files?


Thanks Mario.
I tried what you said but it didn't work. So I tried to put the flash file in a new empty layout and the picture doesn't show. So I think the problem is with the file.
I will try to get another file and it must work.
Thanks for your time.


PNG or JPG usually work fine with XAML. Maybe just re-save the image once in your image editor.


Might it be that the files you're currently testing with don't actually contain the XMP::exif\FlashFired\FlashFired\0 Tag?

In order to display the "no flash" icon, even for files which don't contain the Tag, you could add the defaultex function to your variable:

{File.MD.XMP::exif\FlashFired\FlashFired\0|defaultex:0;pereplace:0==<Image Source='D:\Fotos IMatch\Icons\Sem_Fl.png'/>;pereplace:1==<Image Source='D:\Fotos IMatch\Icons\Com_Fl.png'/>}


Good point.

I've mentioned that no icon is shown when the variable has no value, else one of the two icons, depending on the value of the FlashFired tag. If the "no flash info" case is irrelevant, using defaultex is a good way to ensure that the "no flash" icon is always visible, unless the flash was fired.


Thanks for all the input.
The code of TVeloso DID it.
Thank you,