
Started by hluxem, March 01, 2024, 12:26:41 AM

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I have set up a relation and selected the following to propagate:
Categories (All)
XMP without Lightroom and Camera Raw data*

Manual Metadata propagation works fine, but I was under the impression that some things should be propagated right away or during write back.

The help states:
QuoteRating and Label
Rating and Label are an exception. Although these are actually XMP metadata fields, IMatch automatically propagates these frequently used attributes whenever you change them, not only when the data is written to the file.
If you don't check the options to propagate rating and label, IMatch also skips rating and/or label when you propagate XMP data at write-back. This means that IMatch copies the XMP data from the master to the versions, but excludes the rating and label - allowing the versions to retain their own rating/label.
Nothing is propagated when I change Categories, Rating or Labels for the Master. Nothing is propagated at write back either. I have to use the F4, P command to propagate the data.
Is there anywhere another setting to enable automatic propagation? Do I have to enable immediate write back?


Items marked with a * are propagated during write-back.
IMatch-internal data like rating, label, categories are propagated as soon as you change the master.

1. Make sure the versions are detected. For example, open the Version Panel and select the master. All versions should show.
2. Under Edit > Preferences > Background Processing, make sure all 3 File Relations settings are enabled (default).


Quote2. Under Edit > Preferences > Background Processing, make sure all 3 File Relations settings are enabled (default).
That's it. I was looking there, but the preference expert mode was off, and the propagation setting was not shown.




This is incidental. Turning off these features should not be done without deeper expert knowledge.

New IMatch installations (after adding the expert mode) have expert mode disabled and hide these settings.
Existing IMatch installations (from before) have expert mode enabled to not cause confusion among long-term users.

If you have disabled the relation settings at some time and then turned off expert mode, you won't be able to see them. But I think this is a rather unusual combination. For 99.9% of all users, keeping these options enabled is the way to go.