Pencil keeps returning

Started by rienvanham, March 26, 2024, 07:05:02 PM

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Hi Mario,

I updated this morning iMatch to the latest version 2023.8.2 and since then the "pencil" keeps returning after writing the metatags to the file. In "Output" I don't see any strange things; this is the log if I save the tags for 1 file:

ADMIN: Removed data dump. Please do not post large chunks of ExifTool output into your posts. Attach them as a text file instead. Thanks.

And then the pencial appears again.

Any Idea? Thanks in advance,



Please be so kind to attach such long texts as a text file and not just dump it into a post.
This fills the community search engine with nonsense and that's bad for all users.
I have converted your data dump into a text file this time.

Run the The Metadata Analyst on the file and use the GREEN BUTTON at the top of the MDA to show us the results.
See Files Pending Again After Write-Back for typical reasons for reoccurring write-backs and check with the MDA it this might be the case.

This may also depend on the existing metadata in the file (a PDF file it seems) so a sample file which exhibits this behavior is helpful. Might be an issue with ExifTool (IMatch 2024.8 includes the latest version). Many potential causes for this behavior.


Hi Mario,

I'm very sorry for the inconvience; didn't realise this.

It's not just 1 (PDF) file but currently 39 (new) with the same behavior. These are not special files; in the past I already added around 19.000 to iMatch without problems.

Attached the results of MDA (twice, with a save of the metadata in between).




The MDA results look ok. The first warning is obvious but the second is maybe a hint.

I've added some GPS coordinates to a PDF file (via the map panel). That worked fine, no pen.

Then I did a reverse geocoding which filled location shown / location created with the same address data.
After write-back, the pen returned!

The pen tooltip shows that IMatch wants to write-back GPSDestDistance.
In the database, the distance shows as 0.000000 with the unit Kilometers.
And that's exactly what IMatch has written when writing the file. So there should be no need for another write-back.

It seems there is an issue when IMatch compares the raw and formatted value for GPS distance when importing the data produced by ExifTool. It should be identical but is not. I don't see any difference in output between the past 3 ExifTool versions and the current one and the comparison/check in IMatch existed at least in January 2022 and is unchanged since then.

I will move this into bug reports and look into it  for the next release.



Geez. I have figured this out. Took a while.

This is an unexpected side effect for bug fix #2289.
Fixed for the next release.


Great Mario! Thanks!

I can confirm that this problem has been fixed.


Very good. Thanks for testing it and providing feedback.


Bei mir verschwindet der Stift nur, wenn die GPS-Einträge für ,,Shown" und ,,Created" identisch sind.
Sobald ich dem Bild eine Ausrichtungsmarkierung  zuweise, bleibt  in der ,,Liste der zu  schreibenden Tags" der Hinweis auf XMP::exif\GPSImgDirection erhalten.
In my case, the pen only disappears if the GPS entries for "Shown" and "Created" are identical.
As soon as I assign an orientation marker to the image, the reference to XMP::exif\GPSImgDirection remains in the "List of tags to be written".



Kann man mit leben. Ich schaue mir das nach Ostern mal an.
Aktuell habe ich den Hals randvoll mit Metadaten und brauche dringend mal eine Pause. Es geht ja nichts kaputt. Ignoriere den Pen einfach und ich schaue mir das nächste Woche nach den Osterfeiertagen nochmal an.
Irgendwas hat ExifTool geändert...IMatch bekommt andere Zahlen zurück nach dem Schreiben als es geschrieben hat (Rundungsprobleme bei Distance).

Frohe Ostern. Ich bin dann mal weg.


Frohe Ostern - ich "gönne" Dir gern mal Urlaubstage!


Bei mir ist es leider genau so. Der Bleistift taucht immer wieder auf und die Dateien bleiben im Pending.

Aber zunächst mal schöne Ostern und einige ruhige Tage.
VG vsa


I have fixed this (I hope!) for the next release.
The issue is caused due to different numerical rounding between IMatch and ExifTool.


Thanks Mario. it works again. Thought you are going to take some days off while Easter.... ;-)


Quote from: vsammy on March 31, 2024, 03:22:06 PMThanks Mario. it works again. Thought you are going to take some days off while Easter.... ;-)

Saturday was a normal working day here in Germany ;)