Track Tool invalid format?

Started by jthorsson, April 10, 2024, 12:16:47 PM

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I was trying to use the Track Tool for georeferencing images for the first time, but when I loaded the GPX file I got 
"Track Tool This file has an invalid format. IMatch supports all standard GPX-Files with tracks, routes or waypoints. Make sure the file is in the correct format and that all points have timestamps.
This is just a general unaltered GPX file from a Garmin 66s unit and I have successfully done this using other software.  Is there a special requirement iMatch has regarding the GPX format?
And while I am on the topic, are there any plans for including FIT files in addition to GPX for georeferencing?


No idea. It would have helped if you had attached the GPX file which is not supported.
Usually this just works and hence the error message is really generic.
Probably your GPX files are special in some way. I need to have a sample to tell you more. Which device/software produced the file?

Please ZIP and attach a sample GPS track log. If you don't want to attach it, you can send it to support email address with a link back to this thread.

Quote(...) are there any plans for including FIT file
Never heard about FIT. Internet tells me it is something Garmin devices produce instead of standard GPX track logs?
Have you tried using one of the many online converters to convert this file into a standard GPX file? Would that not be sufficient?

Feel free to open a feature request so we can learn if there are other users who use FIT track logs and want to see me spend time adding support for this file format. If there is sufficient demand, I'll look into this.


Thank you for responding.  Can I send you the GPX file directly as I don't want to share it publicly.  It is just a general GPX downloaded directly from the Garmin 66s unit.
The FIT is a new format I think Garmin has developed, created by smart appliances like my Fenix watch and contains health/exercise info in addition to location.  It can be converted to GPX easily, would just be nice to be able to use it directly.


QuoteCan I send you the GPX file directly as I don't want to share it publicly. 
Sure. This is why I wrote:

"If you don't want to attach it, you can send it to support email address with a link back to this thread. "

in my reply.

QuoteThe FIT is a new format I think Garmin has developed, c (...)
Health information is of no interest for the IMatch Map Panel.
Please understand that each external service I support, each new file format I support for import or export creates an additional future maintenance debt - aka cost and time I have to spent.

Smart watches and monitor yourself devices are plenty, from big and small vendors. This is a highly competitive market and Apple, Google, Garmin, Samsung., Huawai etc. release new models in quick succession, new firmware versions, patches etc.
Which, IMHO, means that formats like FIT, catering mostly for the needs of one vendor, will change with each device iteration, probably introduce breaking changes, new format versions - and may get dropped at any time in favor of the next hype...
And I would have to keep an eye on this, updating the import in IMatch as needed...

Just look at the "standard" DNG format. Which is changed (eh, "enhanced") by Adobe whenever they need something new for Lightroom or Photoshop. And then we all have to wait six months until Microsoft catches up with WIC DNG support and LibRaw includes support for the new DNG variant. Since Adobe is too poor to provide a DNG codec for Windows WIC anymore.

As I said, open a feature request for FIT support so we can learn if and how many users also work with FIT files.

QuoteIt can be converted to GPX easily,
There you have it. Problem solved already :)


Thank you, I just did sent the GPX file.
By the way, I am also notorious for never reading emails, and now messages I guess, properly, given my age I don't think that is ever going to improve.  Sorry for that.



Thanks for sending the track log file.
It seems IMatch has no problems importing the file?

I've saved your GPS file to a folder on my disk.
Opened the Map Panel and used the "Load GPX Track Log" function to import the file.
No files could be mapped (since I don't have files with matching timestamps), but the track shows as follows:


Did you send me the same GPX file you have used for your test?


Yes this is the original file _but_ the file I  used was renamed.  That was the only change, and I did not imagine it would matter. I  have sent you the renamed version also.


The file name should not matter.
From which drive to you load the file? Local C: disk? Network drive?

500 is such a generic "Server Error" basically means, IMatch could not read from the file or got an "access denied" error.


I may have figured out what was wrong. The file was originally on a local disk but the path is rather long and certainly longer than normally recommended.  I did copy it to the C:\ root and then iMatch was able to read it. The path seems to have been the problem.


Very well.
IMatch uses standard Windows file routines to read the file, and they have a path limit of 254 characters, I believe.
Update: The maximum length of supported file names is 260 characters. All else requires Windows registry hacks of group policy changes.