Minor but confusing bug: best fit/allow to grow hover change

Started by Robert Wheeler, May 16, 2024, 04:00:39 PM

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Robert Wheeler

When using the image batch processor to export images in specific formats, on the format and size tab I first see the checkbox to select "Best Fit", but when I hover the cursor over that choice, it changes to "Allow grow" even without any click anywhere. This is reproducible across my own presets and across some built-in presets, although I have not tested all possible presets nor all possible Resize choices. Screen shots attached. I am using Windows 10 and iMatch 2023.9.2 (and enjoying the productivity very much).

Currently I almost always want "Allow grow" so I am able to do what I need to do. But it is confusing, and might be something to fix when convenient.


When Width & Height is enabled, only the "Allow grow" option is available.
"Best fit" and "Allow grow" share the same place in this dialog, but only one should ever be visible.
"Best fit" is only active when one of the "fit" modes is enabled.

I could so far not reproduce this behavior. I assume it's kind of a screen update problem (Windows not repainting the control after they have been hidden).

Which Windows version are you using?

I will try to force a screen refresh for the next release. Let me know if this problem persists.

Robert Wheeler

I am on Windows 10 Pro, v. 22H2, OS build 19045.4412

The rest of the screen appears normal. When I move the mouse cursor over the drop-down control, only the control itself changes (as shown in the previously sent screen shots). If any other testing would help narrow it down, let me know. Otherwise, I'll make a note to check this again after the next update. Thanks.
Bob Wheeler

Robert Wheeler

I decided to test what happens with the available presents in Image Batch Processor.

Preset              Default size method        Initial checkbox        Checkbox after hover
1920 (HD-TV)           Width and Height        Best fit unchecked        Allow grow checked
DPC 1200 (my prest)    Width and Height        Best fit unchecked        Allow grow checked
Export to JPEG 100%    Don't resize            Best fit unchecked        No change
Export to Output       Width and Height        Best fit unchecked        Allow grow checked
For email (1280 jpg)   Dimensions                Best fit unchecked    Allow grow unchecked
For Print (5x7 jpg)    Dimensions                Best fit unchecked    Allow grow unchecked
For Print (5x7 tif)    Dimensions                Best fit unchecked    Allow grow unchecked
For Web (800x600)      Dimensions                Best fit unchecked    Allow grow unchecked
For Web  banner,QR     Dimensions                Best fit unchecked    Allow grow unchecked
FPCC D (my preset)     Width and Height          Best fit unchecked    Allow grow checked
Make COMP (450)        Dimensions                Best fit unchecked    Allow grow unchecked
PNG thumbnail 100x100  Dimensions                Best fit unchecked    Allow grow unchecked

Not clear why the variability is present, but it might make more sense to you.


IMatch explicitly hides the "best fit" control unless a ""fit" size is selected. And hides "allow grow" in that case.
I guess this is a screen repaint issue. Windows 10 is getting long in the tooth. Or maybe it's a graphic driver's thing.

I could not reproduce this here on two W11 installations and a legacy Windows 10 installation running in a virtual machine.
I've added an explicit repaint request when the "best fit" / "allow grow" are switched. Maybe this helps on your system.

Robert Wheeler

After the update to iMatch 2023.12.2, the oddity remains. For several presets that rely on "Allow Grow," the "Format and Size" tab still starts out showing an empty checkbox by "Best Fit." Hovering the pointer over the checkbox/description makes the checked box "Allow grow" show up.

If I open any of the other tabs (Folder and Filename, Canvas, Border and Shadow, ... etc.) and then return to the Format and Size tab, the empty checkbox "Best Fit" shows again, and it is again replaced by "Allow grow" when I hover the mouse pointer over it. I can repeat this sequence many times without it changing at all. I had not noticed this pattern (moving between tabs) before. Perhaps this can help narrow down the cause.

Perhaps this will go away when I migrate to Windows 11, but I hope to avoid that for another year or two. Since I am now familiar with the anomaly, I am able to work around it. Thanks for all your diligent work.


Was worth a shot. I cannot reproduce this and no other user ever reported this.
The code that hides one or the other check box, depending on the fit mode is in place and working. Windows should repaint the dialog to remove the check box made invisible, especially after I've added a forced redraw all.
I have no idea why this does not work for you.
IMatch often uses dialogs where controls "share" the same spot and are shown/hidden depending on the circumstances.

Robert Wheeler

Thanks for trying. For experienced users, once an export preset has been made and saved, there would rarely be a reason to go back to the Format and Size tab (especially compared to the Folder and Filename tab - where some presets might need individual attention for each use), so this issue would be undetected most of the time. Actually, I am now getting to the point where I trust my presets enough that the anomaly is becoming invisible to me as well. Having you not able to reproduce the issue would make it very difficult to justify any additional work on the topic. I will continue to ignore it, and I'll let you know if I find any other checkbox controls with this behavior. Obviously much lower priority than other things you need to address.