Being able to call Exiftool Command Processor Presets from Favorites

Started by orichardt, May 16, 2024, 09:18:45 AM

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Acknowledging that the Exiftool Command Processor is capable of changing the structure of images greatly it's also a very powerful tool.

In order to promote the workflow usability and improve functionality it would be beneficial to be able to call a command processor preset from a favorite.

I have tried to research on how to do this without success, if it's possible from the current application I'd be happy for a link to a solution.

In order to maximize security, maybe there could be a checkbox for a confirmation, like the # im-warn command in the arguments that could be checked if the script make many and complicated changes to avoid unintended running, but if only simple changes it would just run.


You can run ExifTool via "External Tool" favorites. I do this all the time. You can use variables to provide the file names etc.

Running args files (like the ECP does) is not possible via a Favorite, since this would require to dynamically produce a text flle, save it to disk, run it with ExifTool and then delete the temporary args file again.

This goes beyond the scope of favorites, I think. Users let me know below or by liking the first post above.
I could build such a complex favorite type, but the work involved would require that this feature is needed / beneficial for a substantial number of users.

Running the ExifTool Command Processor is something only a small number of users ever do (according to telemetry). This tool is mostly designed as a problem solver, like viewing the metadata in a file or trimming bad metadata.
It's not something that I would consider a user has to run so often that a favorite is needed.

Why do you run the ECP so often?
What do you do with it?
Why are the built-in metadata functions in IMatch not sufficient?
How many other users do you think have the same use case?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hi Mario, thank you for the feedback, it's greatly appreciated.


I mainly use IMatch to categorize digitized negatives and prints and have to add a bit of metadata in order to manage them afterwards.

All are scanned in TIFF and converted to JPG for distribution.

After I have the scan I add date taken time and GPS info/location update.

Then I use the ECP at every scanned image to add the following tags:
Analog Camera used
Scanner Type
Scanner Model
Copy Original Filename to XMP/IPTC tags (so it can easily be traced back)
Copy folder name to XMP and IPTC keywords

All these are done from within one ECP script, but then I have versions, which are preset with info on:
1. The camera used (I have 5 different)
2. What the original is, Negative or Print: This determines Scanner type/model and adds another keyword to distinguish. - I have also not been able to find a way to filter images in the file window based on if it is a TIF or a TIFF file - maybe oversight on my part.

So it's easy to run them and get all info in one go and write back info at the same time using ECP

How many does this I'm not aware, I hope there will be some feedback here :-)


Looks like you could do the same with a Metadata Templates or AutoFill.
Since both use variables you can control what you fill into tags by other tags, e.g. camera model and whatnot.

QuoteI have also not been able to find a way to filter images in the file window based on if it is a TIF or a TIFF file - maybe oversight on my part.
Filter for TIFF files using the File Format filter in the Filter panel?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: orichardt on May 17, 2024, 03:44:45 PMThen I use the ECP at every scanned image to add the following tags:
Analog Camera used
Scanner Type
Scanner Model
Copy Original Filename to XMP/IPTC tags (so it can easily be traced back)
Copy folder name to XMP and IPTC keywords

I do some similar things but I use metadata template(s) and if I "chain together" more than one, I use a favourite.



Thank you, Mario for the feedback. I'll work a little more on the metadata templates, it just seems like I have to do many where I can do only one ECP script, but definitely worth a try.

For the TIFF/TIF issue, I think I mentioned that I scanned all in TIFF, but some are in TIF: from negatives and some are in TIFF: from prints. I use the preset from the scanners here and it's easy to discern without much work.
But when using the file format filter, unfortunately it cannot discern TIF and TIFF files.


Quote from: orichardt on May 18, 2024, 09:46:07 PMBut when using the file format filter, unfortunately it cannot discern TIF and TIFF files.
The File Format filter does not distinguish between TIF and TIFF, that's right - because they are the same format. But you can use the "File Name" filter instead: Use option "Ends with" and enter TIF or TIFF, respectively.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Quote more on the metadata templates, it just seems like I have to do many where I can do only one ECP script
I suggest checking out the autofill option if you fill mostly the same tags with your script. Create a metadata layout with all the tags you want to fill. 
Click the button "create autofill template" in the edit window. You can then add values to the autofill template.
I find it sometimes easier to use the copy and paste buttons. First I copy the tags into a spreadsheet and then fill the spreadsheet. Once done I paste the values from the spreadsheet to the Imatch autofill template.



Thank you so much for the input from all of you, it has been most helpful! :-)

I have one struggle with the file selection and the automation favorite, though - as per my workflow above I would like to, from the current scope, to select all the *.TIF files and execute the corresponding Metadata(or if easier, autofill) template. Then select the *.TIFF files and apply another Metadata(autofill)template.

It is possible to use the action select file formats but here I hit the head on the file format issue above, in that it does not recognize the extension difference.

Any ideas if it's possible to use stored filters in the automation Favorites "select files" action, or get around this issue in another way?


The file format filter in the Filter Panel has filter for the TIFF file format. Both file name extensions .TIFF and .TIF are used for TIFF files.

If you want to filter for file name extension, use the File Name filter to search for .tif or .tiff. If you use that often, store two filter presets, one for each file format extension. Then you can activate them via the Filter Manager.

Another approach would be to enable regular expressions for the File Window search bar (Finding Files: The Search Bar) and then searching for




to find files for these extensions.

Regular expressions are required since the default search mode is "contains" and .tif is contained in .tiff so you'll always get both file extensions when you simply search for .tif

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hi Mario, thank you for the reply and the information. After having looked at the possibilities in favorites Automation, am i correct in my findings that it is not possible to make a selection driven by the criteria mentioned above, that is select TIFF OR TIF files, basically invoking filter presets?


No. Was never requested. Feel free to add a feature request so I can see if there are any users who would need such a favorite type / option.

I guess this would be an extension to the automation favorite, similar to running a Metadata Template.
Active or de-activate stored filters.

Or maybe a new option for the "Select Files" action in an Automation Favorite, to select one or more file extensions in addition to the already available selection options.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thank you for the feedback and the clarification. I will add a feature request for this.


Quote from: orichardt on May 19, 2024, 10:05:01 AMAfter having looked at the possibilities in favorites Automation, am i correct in my findings that it is not possible to make a selection driven by the criteria mentioned above, that is select TIFF OR TIF files, basically invoking filter presets?
I know that you posted a feature request regarding this functionality, but for the time being you might try a workaround using favorites calling a Powershell script (see here). You could define two favorites, one calling the script with the TIF filter as parameter, the other one with the TIFF filter. Then, create an Automation favorite and use the "Run Favorite" action to set the filter as required before you execute your metadata template etc. You might have to insert some Pause actions because the script setting the filter is started asynchronously.

I use the script just for switching filters, but it should also work in a more complex setup using a sequence of Actions in an Automation favorite.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA