Metadata Template Question

Started by Mario, May 23, 2024, 05:30:37 PM

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QuoteI have one more question to you - after crash, when I clone metadata template, it becomes inactive (grey) and I cannot use it. I cannot find what is this in Help or Is it related to crash? Could you pls. help?

I have never seen so many Metadata Templates in my life.
Probably you have exceeded the maximum number of templates this menu can handle?

The limit is 30 templates. Plus the 3 standard commands. This menu still fits onto a 900 pixel height screen.
How many templates do you have?
Maybe the menu overflows. I'll try to reproduce that.

If you switch to experimental mode, you will notice that this menu handles even less, since experimental mode uses standard Windows menus for better compatibility - and Windows menus don't support scrolling.


Thank you Mario for opening the thread. 

You are right, I've removed 3 templates and inactive template become active.

Strange but before crash I had the same set of templates and it worked. Anyway issue is solved.


By the way Mario, I switched to experimental mode - it is really COOL! I like it very much! IMatch is perfect DAM, really the best! I've migrated from Adobe Lightroom and it is really shit compare to IMatch. Now with  experimental mode IMatch became even better! At least one of my problem with Metadata layouts menu visibility on the second monitor has been solved in the  experimental mode. Will continue to learn the interface.


I've fixed a small issue where a loop ran to 31 (not 30) and that caused the menu to show one additional MD template, but disabled. But the limit is 30 MD templates for this menu. You can name the templates accordingly, to sort the 30 most-used templates to the top.

If you really need more than 30 different metadata templates, consider using Favorites or the Command Palette to launch them.
Many things we did before with Metadata Templates can be done with AutoFill in a more comfortable way.