Media & Folder Drag & Drop Bug?

Started by Mike, May 14, 2024, 06:08:04 PM

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It is possible to drag&drop a folder to a lower or equal hierachical position in the folder hierarchy, but not to a higher one.


Can you show an example.

I have

  | - a1
  | - a2
 | - b1
 | - b2
   | - C
     | - c1

I can drag c1 to b1, b2, B, a1, a2, A using both copy drag and move drag.


  | - A
    | - a1
    | - a2
  | - B
    | - b1
    | - b2
      | - C
        | - c1

move & drag:

c1 to b1 - YES (it works)
c1 to b2 - NO
c1 to B - NO
c1 to a1, a2, A - YES
c1 to 0 - NO

Copy & drag is always working.


Please repeat but this time switch the IMatch log file to debug logging (Help menu > Support) and attach the log file afterwards. This may give me something to work with. Don't works without a local repro case is not sufficient.

I assume you get the "forbidden" circle, but no error message?
Or is the drop allowed but you get an error message when you drop? Or is the drop silently ignored?

Since copy is always working, it must have to do something with the move.
But I see no difference in the code, except for additional checks if the source folder is marked as read-only.


  | - A
    | - a1
    | - a2
  | - B
    | - b1
    | - b2
      | - C
        | - c1

the log file should contain info around the following move&drag steps:

c1 to b2, B and 0 - all of them failed
c1 to b1 - did work.

Neither the forbidden sign nor an error message appears. For a very short time I see in the bottom right corner that the DB would be working in the background. After that nothing happens and the task is not completed.

The log file is here:


Sorry for the text being too large, some formatting must have been applied automatically when pasting.


To get this straight: if you drag, IMatch does not show a forbidden sign for the folders where the drop does not work?
There is also no error message, the drop is silently refused? Never hard a similar report, I believe. And the drag & drop code is around and unchanged for a long time. I wonder how we can find out why this fails on your PC...

You can attach files direct to your post (see below the post editor) for Other Options. If you use the quick reply feature, you need to press preview once to see all the advanced options, like attachments.

Linking to an external source (especially hosted on Google) is considered bad.
Because if a user wants to look at your file, his/her IP address is transferred to Goggle (as a minimum). Google does not ask for permission before logging the IP before linking to the download and their AGB allow them to whatever they want with the collected IP address. Including tracking and profiling. Not good.

I try very hard to keep and this community free from 3rd party cookies and other privacy-violating tracking technologies.

Please ZIP and attach the log to your post and I will have a look. Thank you.


Yes, NO forbidden sign, no warning, no suspicious event, just no effect.

Note: I hope the actions were recorded because I copied the log file directly from iMatch (help/support/copy...) while it was running, and not after closing the program.


Very good. Thank for attaching the log file.

I see several of these warnings:

"Trying to move folder onto itself in MoveFolder."

which is logged when 
a) the source folder (the one that's dragged) and target folder are identical or
b) when the source folder is contained in the list of child folders of the target folder

I think that b) case may be too strikt? Not sure yet.
I didn't look at this code for several years and I have to refresh my memory first.


"I see several of these warnings"

I just meant no warnings while I was executing the drag actions. I hadn't looked in the log file yet.


I have fixed this for the next release. See release note #02494 for details (


Thank you very much!

The active database is a kind of rough pass-through database for large amounts of data from external sources that need to be cleaned before being allowed into the working database. With this database I didn't pay much attention to tags. I wasn't aware that there could be such kinds of disruptions. I will follow your tip.