Quick View video playback

Started by twe, May 27, 2024, 05:52:57 PM

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Video playback of MOV and MP4 video files has stopped working in Quick View panel. I now get this error:
The media format is not supported. [C00D36FA]

I have re-installed Windows Media Player in Windows 10 and I can play the video files in Imatch with ctrl+enter (open in windows media player). In windows explorer I can see the thumbnails for video files and double click to play video.

I have tried a lot of things (re-reigster ddl's etc and multiple restarts to fix it, but it is not working in Imatch (latest version). I also have VLC installed. 

Anything i can do in Imatch to fix this (repair\re-install) or is it a problem in the operating system than need to be fixed ?


The Media Player in IMatch utilizes the Windows Media Foundation Framework, which is an integral part of Windows.

The first warning I see in your log file is: Failed to enumerate any printers.
Either you have no printers installed (not even the "Print to PDF") or something is wrong. I have never seen this warning.

The media player error "Activate failed to create mediasink" is returned by Windows Media Foundation for a variety of reasons. For some reasons the "playback chain" seems to fail.

Do you have an audio device (speakers, headphones) enabled in System > Sound > Volume mixer? This is where to find it in the Windows 11 control panel. I don't recall where this was in Windows 10. But volume or mixer or sound as search words should do.

Maybe set to headphone but no headphone plugged in?

I assume you have rebooted recently?
Any new software installed?
Graphics card driver up-to-date?

Maybe some sort of encrypted audio/video content? DRM issue?


I would never have tought that my disconnected headset was the cause of the error message "The media format is not supported. [C00D36FA]" resulting in no video in Quick view panel.  Most of my videos are drone footage with no audio.

To my surprise......video playback in Quick View is fine when a headset is connected (wireless or audio cable). 
Thanks !


I guess Windows tries to "open" a sink to the audio output device on your system and fails, since no headphones are connected.
This is not something IMatch does explicitly, it's part of the "open this video for playing" functionality IMatch uses.

Usually the PC detects if headphones are connected and switches to the built-in speakers otherwise. Unless perhaps you have somehow configured the headphones as the only output device?