Norton Security Error while installing iMatch

Started by philburton, June 20, 2024, 07:55:18 AM

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I got this error message from my Norton security software, monitoring activity in real time.  The installation did proceed to completion, and it appears to be running properly.  However, I have not yet created any databases, done any config settings, etc.  Please see attached screenshot.


This is normal. And it's always Norton. None of the other anti-virus products.

And it is impossible to reach Norton, of course.
Their web site for sending them "false positives" can only handle files under 100MB. IMatch has over 300.
The site also accepts hashes, but only from virus total. But then I would have to upload the licensed version of IMatch (!) to Virus Total, which, per terms of service, makes the software available for free for all people participating in Virus Total. That's like giving my software away for free.

There is no contact or email for developers at Symantecs/Norton's I could use to contact them and ask what the problem is.
After spending hours with that a while ago I gave up on Norton.

Since the free Windows Defender in Windows became so good, Norton and other anti-virus vendors have problem justifying their annual cost and so they add more and more other "features" to their products, constantly tell them how good they protect you and keep the scary warnings coming. Sigh.

Anyway, it's always only Norton.
Maybe their reputation database only favors the big companies out there. not small independent software vendors and open source products.



Thanks for the reply. I'm seriously thinking about dropping my subscription for Norton security.