Is it possible to hide masters in Imatch Anywhere?

Started by Vioh, October 11, 2024, 08:34:46 PM

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In Imatch I use the filter "Hide masters" to see only the versions and not the masters and of cause also all pictures without any versIons. But in Imatch anywhere there are no filter "Hide master". I can filter to see only the versions, but then I cannot see the pictures that do not have any versions.

iF i use the function "Hide stacked files", the versions are hide and I see only the masters. I want to do the opposite.


The main design guide for IMatch Anywhere WebViewer is simplicity and ease of use. It is aimed at users who have never worked with IMatch.

Advanced concepts like masters and versions don't fit into this concept. I don't try to rebuild IMatch in a browser. The largest user group of IMatch Anywhere are small teams, libraries, museums etc. And these users prefer simple user interfaces (easy to learn) and stable products (no need to re.-train every couple of months).

You can create a category that does NOT show files in a specific collection, e.g. the Relations|Master collection. And then use this category in the Navigator.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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In Imatch Anywhere there is ab button "Show or hide stacked files". This button does not only hide stacked files it also hide the versions and that is confusing. To simplify the program that button should only hide stacked files. Then you cuold have another button "Show or hide master files". Then I think the program should be much easier to understand.

I have used a lot of time to try to understand why I could not see my versions in Imatch Anywhere. I had no reasen to think that the button "Show or hide stacked fles" shuold have any effect to the versions.

I will normally see only the versions an not the masters together with all other files that do not have any veriosn. I do not understand how I can fix that with a cathegory. Can you describe how to do this cathegory?


Versions are automatically part of a stack formed by the master.

This is why the button in IMatch Anywhere works as it does. Simplicity. It is unlikely that a person using IMA WebViewer knows the difference between a version stack or a regular stack. The person working with IMatch controls what becomes a master or which files he/she stacks. The persons using IMA WebViewer are just trained to use the button to reduce the files they see to the "important" ones, namely the master or stack tops.

This works that way since the initial IMA version and, so far, you are the first user reporting this as an issue.
If you think button to hide only versions and a button to hide only files in a regular stack would be needed, feel free to post a feature request in the IMA feature request board. If it gets some likes, I will consider it.
One problem is always the available screen estate. IMA WebViewer must work from mobiles to 1023 px tablets to 4K screens. And screen estate on small tablets is always precious.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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OK I will do a Feature request  but you did not answered how to do a category that does NOT show files in a specific collection.  I do not understand that.


There is no explicit "invert" option for collections in the Navigator.

Use the @Collection[] category formula to create a category showing the files in a collection.
Use "@All" NOT @Collection[]  to create a category showing all files, except the files in the collection. See Category Formulas and there Functions and Keywords

So, for example:

"@All" NOT "@Collection[Relations|Master]"

creates a category that shows all files, except masters.

"@All" NOT "@Collection[Relations|Version]"

creates a category which shows all files except versions.

You can be even really specific, maybe excluding only versions of a specific relation rule:

"@All" NOT "@Collection[Relations|Version|NEF Versioning]"

or multiple

"@All" NOT ("@Collection[Relations|Version|NEF Versioning]" OR "@Collection[Relations|Version|SONY Versioning]")

You can also replace "@All" with a specific category name or @Category[] selector to create a specific set of files and then include the masters.

The persons using IMA WebViewer don't have to know about all of this. You prepare the categories and tell them to use them as needed.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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