custom sort

Started by goenw, August 09, 2024, 06:45:17 AM

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Hi Mario,
currently i am using the imatch and reviewing IMA.
one of the feature i really need, is for user to categorize and do custom order for each category.
how can i do this in IMA.


Users can assign categories in the File Lens in IMatch Anywhere WebViewer (see the help for details).
To manually arrange files in a category, use IMatch and the "Custom" sort order: Custom (Manual) Sort Orders

IMatch Anywhere WebViewer has been designed to be simple to use, especially for users who don't work with IMatch or DAM software. The feature set has been reduced to make this possible.


hi Mario,
thank you for the quick response.
would the custom sort be something possible for future feature ?
we use this quite often with different people, usually related to editor / writer for book and presentation sequencing.
so installing in every person computer is not an option at the moment.

many thanks,


Feel free to make a feature request in the IMatch Anywhere feature request board here in the community.