Retain selected tags in Value Filters on *Clear active filter* command

Started by Tveloso, January 10, 2025, 06:26:09 PM

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When we select Clear active filter, IMatch not only clears the settings on all filters, but for Value Filters, it also resets the selected tag to "Aperture".  So after the Clear operation, all active Value Filters are set up to look at the same tag.

It would be nice if (for the Value Filters) the Clear command would do only the work that the Reset all check boxes button does in that filter.  Likewise, for the Metadata Search filter - only the user entered search value - or checked Tag Group CheckBoxes - should be cleared (and the Where to Search dropdown - including the Tag List for the Selected Tags option - should be retained).


Value Filter: Makes sense.

Why would you want to clear the checked tag groups, but not the selected tags?
Would it not make more sense to both keep the selected tags and/or selected tag groups, just clear the user input in the metadata search filter? Or, reset both (remove selected tags, clear all checks in the tag groups)?


For the Metadata Search filter, I was thinking that it should also retain "the setup" that the user established, and only the "search arguments" should be cleared.

So in Selected Tags mode, the search field should be cleared, but the tags in the list should be retained for the next time the filter is used.

In Tag Groups mode, I can see the argument for not clearing the the CheckBoxes, since this FR is asking to retain the Tags for the Selected Tags mode, but the clear operation clears checkboxes in all other filters that use them, so that might be the expected behavior.

Currently the "mode" of the Metadata Search filter, is reset to Search Everywhere when the Clear active filter command is used, and I was thinking that the "mode" the user had selected should be retained.  So I was thinking the following should be done when Clear active filter is requested:

  • In all cases, the search value should be cleared
  • The user-selected "mode" should be retained
  • For Search Everywhere mode, nothing else is needed
  • For Tag Groups mode, the checkboxes should be cleared
  • For  Selected Tags mode, nothing else is needed


This is how I would implement it.

The Reset command clears the selected elements for the MD Value filter, keeps the selected tag.
For the MD Search filter the user-supplied search string is cleared. If tag groups are enabled, the check boxes for the groups are cleared.




I was wondering what happened to all of my saved tags in the Value filters - it must have been the first time I used that 'Clear' function and then didn't go back to the filters for weeks.   I was mystified what happened to all of them.

This was a good find to explain the "mysterious behavior".

Agree with the proposed approach.
