How to remove keywords in mass based on template?

Started by mosdubindi1, November 12, 2024, 03:17:37 PM

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Hello Mario,

Could you pls. help me to automatize one task or maybe it has been done already? I need to remove some technical keywords from multiply photos by using a template. Keywords are flat separated by comma. By saying template I mean some file, for example TXT, where all keywords subject for deletion are listed. Script should remove all keywords listed in template from all files selected.

Is it possible?

Thanks in advance,



IMatch has no feature for loading a text file or something and then remove keywords based on that. That's a very unusual thing to do.

Usually you would do it like this:

In the Category View, click the category corresponding to the keyword you want to remove under @Keywords.
Select all files with <Ctrl>+<A> and press <U> to un-assign the files from the keyword.
This removes the corresponding keyword from the files.
You can use the Find function in the category view to quickly find the keywords you want to remove.

See The @Keywords Category

Or, you delete the keyword in the thesaurus and let the thesaurus apply the changes to the database.

See The Universal Thesaurus

As a third way to deal with this, you could use the Metadata Mechanic in IMatch to replace the keywords you want to remove with "nothing". This feature supports regular Regular Expressions, which makes this very flexible, including replacing multiple keywords at the same time.

For example:


which replaces the keywords cat, yellow and pet with "nothing", keeping other keywords intact.
The list of keywords to remove is in () and separated with a | character (not a comma!).

Make some tests before using such a powerful feature and test your regexp. I have used ^ and $ to replace exactly the words in the list enclosed with (). If you leave ^ and $ out or use .* or similar, you can remove entire groups of keywords.


Hello Mario,

Thank you very much for quick reply. Option 3 looks good, I'll experiment with this.
