Unable to Restore to a New PC

Started by PandDLong, December 03, 2024, 05:35:43 AM

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I am moving to a new PC - followed the Help instructions to download iMatch and then attempted to restore using Pack and Go.

It gave a slew of access denied warnings.   I checked my Windows security and it reported no blocked actions and it is setup to give Apps access to the Documents libraries and the file system.  The log only lists the file name, so I am not sure what folder is the problem (or maybe that doesn't matter).

Screenshot 2024-12-02 212150.png

When I run iMatch 2023 on this new PC - it comes up as a "first time user" - so clearly the restore didn't work.  (As a side note, I am not sure what the "184.57 MB restored" means given my Pack & Go file is 680MB in size)




Solved it.

I searched this site with some different terms and found this one  https://www.photools.com/community/index.php/topic,12913.msg91186.html#msg91186

Fixed my problem.   

It baffles me why Microsoft would default any "ProgramData" folder to not giving anyone Write privileges - how can a data folder be used?  Isn't the entire point of a data folder a place to put/write data?

Busy relocating folders...



The IMatch installer contains options that make the photools.com\IMatch6 folder hierarchy writable for "All Users".
Sometimes this seems to fail, as in your case, for reasons unknown.

Quotehow can a data folder be used?  Isn't the entire point of a data folder a place to put/write data?

It's even worse with "apps" installed from the Microsoft Store.
Apps get their own virtual "program data" and "user data folders" to isolate them. That's all they see when they try to access "program data". They don't get access to the "real" program data folder, unless some clunky and probably unreliable work-arounds are used.

The reason for this is isolation. Windows apps are prevented from reading or modifying data written by other software.

Which causes real problems for software like, e.g., IMatch, which uses the shared data folder to actually maintain shared data accessible for all users: settings database, presets etc.