Load GPX Track Log option not working

Started by erichaas, March 17, 2022, 12:46:43 AM

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When I use the "Load GPX Track Log" option in the map panel, a file dialog box opens, and I can select a GPX file, but when I click on "Open", the file doesn't seem to load. No track log shows on the map, and the options "Center Map on Track Log", "Preview Selected Files", and "Apply Track Log Data..." options are all grayed out.

The "Load GPX Track Logs in Folder" option works exactly as expected, however.


This is an issue that has just been reported and I have fixed it for the next IMatch release.

The problems is caused by the new "Remember last GPX import folder" option for track log import. If this is off, the error happens when importing a single track log file.
To work-around this, open the options for from the track log import menu and enable the option "Remember last GPX...". Then you can import individual files again.

Alternatively, you can repair the map app by downloading the attached ZIP file.
Unpack its contents and replace the file c:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\mapapp\src\app.js on your system.
Close IMatch and delete the folder c:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\browser to clear the IMatch browser cache.