Categories' panel Recent tab remains empty

Started by Kucera, December 28, 2013, 01:40:20 AM

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The subject says it all. The Categories and Current tabs are populated ok, but there are neither categories nor thumbnails showing in the Recent tab. Have I missed a setting somewhere?


I don't think you've missed anything, you should be seeing your most recently assigned categories there, but I can confirm your findings that the Recent tab is empty.

It's worked in previous builds so I'm assuming this is a new bug?


This tab will be filled when you assign categories to files.
How did you assign categories to files? Via the Category Panel? Via keyboard shortcuts? Via the Category View? Via drag and drop? Via Copy and Paste?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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The categories I assigned yesterday (which do not show in the recent tab) were assigned from customized tabs of the category panel (screenshot).  However today I see if I assign categories from either the categories or category history tabs of the favorites panel, those categories do not show in the recent tab either.  In fact as of now it doesn't seem to matter how I assign categories to a jpg image, none show in the recent tab.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Assigning categories by drag and drop in category view does not show the assigned categories in the Recent tab either.

Ah ha!  For me this issue only seems to apply when assigning @Keyword categories, assigning direct categories do show in the Recent tab.

Emil are you using @keyword categories too?


Quote from: Mario on December 28, 2013, 10:09:29 AM
This tab will be filled when you assign categories to files.
How did you assign categories to files? Via the Category Panel? Via keyboard shortcuts? Via the Category View? Via drag and drop? Via Copy and Paste?
Categories panel and drag and drop in my case. I have NO @keyword categories at all, as yet.