Annotation Order - Reverses after "export"

Started by PandDLong, December 31, 2024, 09:33:36 PM

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When I copy an image with face annotations and then index that into a separate iMatch database, the annotation order is reversed and iMatch also updates the PersonInImage tag to reflect this reversed order. 

Unfortunately, if I then display the PersonInImage tag as a text overlay, it displays the names in a right->left order relative to the image.

As a test, I imported images into another software that handles face annotations, the same reversal is shown.

I am putting this into the Bug Reports under the heading of "Unexpected Behaviour".



Probably IMatch should process XMP regions in reverse order when it ingests them?
Either can be wrong, depending on which software has written it.

When you look at the metadata of the file you have copied, is the "PersonInImage" order correct?


My original file has the correct annotation order (left to right) and the 'PersonInImage' order is correct and there are no pending write-backs.

When I ingest a copy of that file into a different iMatch database, the annotation order reverses (right to left) and the 'PersonInImage' tag is updated to match this new annotation order.   After being indexed, the 'pending' icon shows just one tag needs to be written back - the 'PersonInImage' tag.



I did try it with other software before Christmas (unfortunately, it was on my old computer and a free trial version only) and the reverse order showed up there too.   It made me wonder if iMatch is ingesting it correctly but it is writing them out in reverse order.

That software was so-so with metadata so it may not have been a reliable test.

Just a further data point.



I have fixed this by importing the annotations in reverse order (first annotation found becomes bottom of the face stack).
This brings this in "sync" with how IMatch manages annotation stacks.

But it might also break the order when other software is used that writes face annotations in "reverse" order, from IMatch's perspective. So I had to add (yet another) an option allowing the user to switch between the default order (IMatch order) and the reverse order (Edit > Preferences > Metadata 2).