Clear All Pending Files?

Started by pixeldroid.000, January 05, 2025, 01:07:16 AM

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How do I clear all the pending metadata writes? I thought I had found this function, but now I don't see it.


If you're really sure that's what you want to do, then go to the Menu > Database > Database Tools > Clear Processing Queues


You can also click on the progress bar displaying in the Info & Activity Panel while IMatch is processing files, or on the progress bar in the status bar to open the clear processing queues dialog.

If you don't want IMatch to complete writing back just now, you can also close the database. IMatch then continues when you open the database again.


Thanks for the quick replies!
In this pic you see I've added "Cracked Paint" and "Stained Glass" to this image. Then cleared the write-back queue. I then rescanned, but the keywords remain in iMatch.

I reviewed the file in xnview and the keywords were not written to it, so iMatch is only retaining the keyword assignments in its DB. Is it possible to clear this from iMatch DB when I clear the write-back?

Also, I don't see the progress bar in Info Panel nor Status Bar - do I have to watch for it when activity occurs?


QuoteI then rescanned, but the keywords remain in iMatch.
Remove the file from the database (don't delete it!) and then add it again.
Or, disable all metadata protections in Edit > Preferences > Metadata 2 and "Keep existing XMP" and then do a forced metadata reload by selecting the file and pressing Shift+Ctrl+F5-

What is the purpose of all this?


It looks like "Keep existing XMP" is changed to "Protect unwritten metadata". This works great. How do I force a metadata reload for the whole DB?

Another question: When I add keywords they are set as pending whether I click the pencil icon or not. I don't see a difference in results if I click the pencil icon. Am I missing something?

The purpose is that I'm VERY meticulous about my data and I'm building an art ecommerce platform that will pull the data directly from what will eventually be thousands of files, so I need to be in complete control of the data and the tools.

iMatch is really an excellent program! In 34 years of computing I would say that about very few applications.


Keep existing XMP is on Edit > Preferences > Metadata.

QuoteHow do I force a metadata reload for the whole DB?

Why would you do such a thing? It is unclear what you actually want do do!
You can just select all files in the database, e.g. via the Database node in the Media & Folders View. But why?
Did you make a grave mistake when editing metadata and now want to wipe all metadata from the database and replace it with what's in the file?

QuoteWhen I add keywords they are set as pending whether I click the pencil icon or not.
You add keywords where and click which Pencil where? IMatch uses pen icons in several places.
There are e.g. pen icons in the Metadata Panel, the Keywords Panel, the File Window.

More details are helpful when you want answers. We don't see what you see!

When you add or change metadata, the file becomes pending. IMatch saves metadata changes to the database and does not write it back immediately. See Metadata Write-back in the help system for details.

QuoteiMatch is really an excellent program! In 34 years of computing I would say that about very few applications.

Thank you!
Spread the word. Let others know about IMatch. Adobe has a 200 million annual marketing budget - I don't ;)

An upper-case I please (IMatch). Else you may get post from an Apple layer for abusing one of their trademarks (IMatch was there before Apple was there, though).