Asking for a new feature

Started by vlouekari, January 17, 2025, 06:21:12 PM

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Hello all. I often (almost daily) export one or more omage to several different folders in different formats and / or sizes. In Lightroom (and in DxO Photolab) I only have to give one commad and the program runs several user-defined exports. In Imatch this is not possible. I must run every export separately, one by one. This is not only time consuming but also unnecessary. Please, add a feature to run several user-defined exports with just one command. Thank You.


That's an operation that is much more common to software like DxO or Photoshop. Not necessarily for a DAM like IMatch.

I don't think new features are needed. IMatch can already do what you request :)

Did you know that you can run Batch Processor presets via Import & Export Preset Favorites? This means you just have to click once (or use a keyboard shortcut) to export all selected files in a specific format via the Batch Processor.
IMatch Favorites are very, very powerful feature and well worth knowing.

And when you have your Batch Processor favorites, you can create an Automation Favorite with multiple actions, each action running one of your Batch Processor favorites. This means one click and all selected files are exported in multiple formats. You can create multiple Automation favorites to run different combinations Batch Processor presets, if you need such a thing. It's very flexible.


Thank You. I will check this Automation Favorite, sounds good.