Looking for the AI Generated Keywords

Started by kiwilink, February 06, 2025, 07:55:25 PM

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I'm reading the help manual looking for how I would see a list of all of the AI Generated Keywords (similar to the Keywords in the Category panel).

The help manual says:

 Finding Keywords
To search for keywords, use the find box below the keyword list.

Which Panel is this?

As I understand it, I'm generating lots of new Keywords with the new Auto-Tagger.  So as to not mix them with the current Keywords I have generated manually, they are being stored in the IMATCH database (AI Keywords).  Where do I go to see this new list of new AI generated Keywords and search for these?  I thought there would be a long list of them like I see in the IMATCH generated Category "Keywords" but I don't see them there.

Sorry for the crazy question but I'm searching in the help manual and it looks like I need to search via tags.




The default categories shipped with IMatch 2025 include a data-driven category for AI.keywords. These are used for new databases only

Create yourself a data-driven category under IMatch Standard Categories, based on AI.keywords.

When you quote some text from a help page you found somewhere, please include the URL of the help page . I don't have 300 help pages in my head.


Hi Kiwilink - you can also search for these from the File Window by defining a "user defined tag set" for the AI Keyword. When checked, the search will also locate images with that keyword in the AI Keyword tag.



Jingo and Mario

Jingo, that worked great.  Thank you very much.  

Mario:  Sorry for not referencing the exact location in the help file.  I was referring to (see attachment):

  IMatch Help - AutoTagger - add keywords and descriptions to your files with the help of AI.

I created the data driven Category and it was exactly what I was looking for.  I initially was going to do this but I just assumed you had probably already created one and I somehow did something wrong.

Thank you both!  Looks great!!
