Help make IMatch more popular: Write a Review

Started by Mario, July 17, 2018, 08:53:17 PM

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Capterra has a cool list of all current DAM products, including IMatch.

If you think IMatch is great (or nearly great) and you can spend a few minutes to write a honest review (click on the Review this product button on the page linked above) this would be great. IMatch has currently 33 reviews (Yeah!, thanks to all) but more reviews are always better.

Your support is much appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Every comment, recommendation etc. helps to let others know about IMatch.
If you participate in photographer communities or forums, feel free to mention IMatch when you think it is appropriate.


one more review now.  It was a pleasure to do so, i had so much pleasure with IMatch.


Thank you!

And also all the others who took the time to tell others about IMatch.
This does not beat Adobe's marketing department  ;) but it helps a lot, still.


I sent a review of IMatch to the Capterra site quite some time ago. Hope it helps introduce more people to IMatch. The review on my website some years ago received many hundreds of views.


Thanks. Every review or mention of IMatch in photography forums, social media etc. helps to let users know.

Mees Dekker

Whenever I see it appropriate, I try to comment op DPReview and mentioning IMatch.

There is a lot commenting going on recently on the new LR release.


I hope it helps IMatch reach more people


I have filled out another review, I think people have to know this great tool.
Mario is doing a fantastic job.


Quote from: javiavid on August 07, 2019, 02:07:53 PM
I have filled out another review, I think people have to know this great tool.
Mario is doing a fantastic job.

Thanks. Every review helps. Or posts / recommendations in other communities and forums - when you consider it appropriate.


not exactly a review (besides the the word "great"), but the link to IMatch on is increasingly followed.

Dunno whether Phil would add a "commercial" section near the free utilities which take advantage of the ExifTool engine" list on



I will share my feedback on Capterra. I am planning to write a proper review once I have a good understanding of the whole application. Will try to submit it to Petapixel/F-Stoppers since they thrive on user-generated content (cheap for them).

One of the people I know is an industry leader with a newsletter with a big reach I will also ask him if he can just highlight IMatch 2020 in his newsletter (he organizes the software/startup part of Photokina in Germany and a conference called Visual1st in Silicon Valley).

Since I am also a DxO PhotoLab user, I also shared the update there (it is my most popular posting there, it even earned me a badge  8). I posted it even before I bough it myself.

The other place where I regularly recommend IMatch is on Reddit in the various subreddits where people complain about DAM aspect of Lightroom and Capture One.


Excellent! Word of mouth from actual product users is the best marketing I can get.

@All Users: Please get the word out.


Now that I have Affinity Photo, I'm looking over at their forums & mentioned IMatch on a thread requesting DAM suggestions. I should pipe up on plastikman's thread at DxO also.  :)


I mentioned Imatch a couple of times at and Dpreview forums.  Will continue to do so.

Mario, you should team up with DXO somehow.  They need software like yours, and you want them to be successful (rather than LR). In fact, they are beaten up in every review for their poor DAM capabilities.  Marketing partnership, reseller cooperation, bundle, whatever.  It will probably take you 2 hours to create an Imatch installer that works seamlessly with DXO (just the dop buddy files and the PL favorite and a few minor things).  Just my 2 cents...


Quote from: WebEngel on December 27, 2020, 08:42:46 PM
Mario, you should team up with DXO somehow.  They need software like yours (....)

Wow! What a mouthwatering prospect that would be! Yes, it would be a dream software 'marriage' I think!

It would certainly quell the recurring discussions (arguments even?) on the DxO Forum about DxO's absent - or pitifully lightweight - DAM 'features'.

However ...

Quote from: WebEngel on December 27, 2020, 08:42:46 PM
It will probably take you 2 hours to create an Imatch installer that works seamlessly with DXO (....)

... I fear this time estimate might be a little bit optimistic  ;D but let's not rule it out yet  :)


I have no connections to DxO and,  judging by their web site, they are top-notch in every aspect.
IMHO, many users don't know what a DAM is until they have used a real one. Many settle with little. Many don't need more. If you don't know what can be done, you don't miss it. And all that.
I doubt that a company like DxO with 18 years of experience and 50+ employees (and locate in Paris, which is truly a beautiful city) needs one poor Mario to help them creating a proper DAM... ;D
If you have a contact and they looking for some DAM done right, I'm listening.
Until then, I continue to create the best DAM possible for the IMatch user base. Which works, incidentally, out-of-the box with all major image editors and RAW processors 


In discussions about DAM capability on the DxO Forums, I've often pointed out that metadata management is a complex and difficult topic and have also recommended IMatch as a 'real' DAM. But many DxO users want a simple solution to metadata management and many don't want to pay anything extra for it. As Mario says, many users have no idea what a real DAM is and what it can do. I believe DxO is on a path to incorporate limited metadata management capabilities. How far they want to go down that path remains to be seen.

Regarding DxO PhotoLab, it's a very impressive program with innovative features like DeepPRIME and local adjustment. Folks do tend to become fans of the the program they're most familiar with, but I much prefer it to competitors I've used. And, as already pointed out, it works seamlessly with IMatch.


I see that which dates back to 2014 has recently had some new comments, including a somewhat odd capsule review of IMatch (near the end in the comments section). I haven't had a chance to add any new comments myself.



The review is from 2014 without any updates since. I wonder why somebody would reply to such an old blog entry...

Anyway, you cannot make it right for everybody.

Especially if the first folder he selects has no images and thus the File Window is empty. And he then seems to be somehow upset about the message where IMatch explains that and tells him which toolbar button allows him to see files in sub-folders too.
He does not like the color icons. But IMatch has an option to use grayscale icons only (Edit > Preferences: Application - search for icon). He did not bother to ask or look it up in the help...
Or he selects all files in the database and searches for duplicates. If there is at least one duplicate file in that selection, has ends up with files with are both matches and originals. And this could lead to data-loss, if he deletes all matches. IMatch hence automatically reduces the result set to prevent the user from accidentally delete both files.
IMatch makes an attempt to explain this situation, which seems to give him nightmares because of the wording of this message. Which makes me sad  If somebody comes up with a better wording for the message he considers bad, I'm happy to update the resources and messages. Always improving.

He seems to prefer Photo Supreme vastly - so he has found a software does that fit his needs better than IMatch. Very good.


Maybe there is a native speaker who want to write a review? My English is unfortunately too bad.


Geez, didn't look at SourceForce for years. What has it become...

The entry for IMatch seems to be machine-generated from the IMatch PAD repository or something. It's also outdated (check the price).
I doubt many people look at SourceForce for DAM software. And the "recommended" box at the top mentions Widen Collective, which is a content marketing / DAM solution which can cost 50K or more just to get started  :)
Many web sites grab / harvest software directories and auto-fab pages like this - to attract more visitors by having content for more keywords. It's all about SEO these days, not about content for humans.

A good overview is
which indeed has an entry for IMatch and 41 (!) reviews:


Hello Mario
I would love to submit a review on IMatch at Capterra, but have a question about this.
When I create a review, I am asked which industry I belong to.
I am a home user. Do you have any idea which answer I can or should choose here? I don't want an incorrect selection to affect my review in any way.


They don't check this. If you are in retirement, maybe use your last industry?


I know. Haven't read it yet (I'm awfully busy busy rolling out IMatch 2023).

@Alle deutschsprachigen Anwender:

Die Zeitschrift c't hat einen Testbericht für IMatch veröffentlicht: 

Fühlt euch frei, dort zu kommentieren, wenn Ihr einen Fehler findet, oder etwas beitragen möchtet.
Zur Zeit gibt es nur zwei Kommentare:

1. Dikikam macht alles, was IMatch macht (und ist umsonst)
2. Sehe ich mir an.



I got iMatch a mention on the letters page in this month's NPhoto, Mario
Sadly they cut and pasted it wrong and ascribed additional features to iMatch but I'm sure enquirers will work it out.


Thank you...but I'm not sure I understand.
Is there a link where I can see what you've written / they posted?


Maybe he is talking about N-Photo, the Nikon magazine.


Quote from: mopperle on September 11, 2023, 01:27:27 PMMaybe he is talking about N-Photo, the Nikon magazine.
Yes, that part I understood (there is also a German N-Photo magazine).
I just wondered if I can somewhere read what the OP wrote.



Please help IMatch by writing a review (see first post) or in other photography-related forums or boards.


Done! Rarely do I find a piece of software that is as nimble and without bloatware as IMatch. I started using this  about 5 months ago and it not only brought order to my photo library, it has completely changed my workflow.


Quote from: TomH on February 06, 2025, 06:41:54 PMDone! Rarely do I find a piece of software that is as nimble and without bloatware as IMatch. I started using this  about 5 months ago and it not only brought order to my photo library, it has completely changed my workflow.
Thank you, TomH.
Word of mouth, telling others about IMatch and leaving a honest review is the best marketing I can get.

Quoteand without bloatware 
I'm a real person, not a company. I hate bloatware, so I don't add any bloat to my products.

IMatch may have features you don't ever use, but there are features others use - so, no bloat.
I estimate than the majority of IMatch users uses maybe 50% of the features - but each user uses different 50% ;)


Have you backed up your photos today?





Quote from: Mario on December 28, 2020, 09:22:29 PMI have no connections to DxO and,  judging by their web site, they are top-notch in every aspect.
IMHO, many users don't know what a DAM is until they have used a real one. Many settle with little. Many don't need more. If you don't know what can be done, you don't miss it. And all that.
I doubt that a company like DxO with 18 years of experience and 50+ employees (and locate in Paris, which is truly a beautiful city) needs one poor Mario to help them creating a proper DAM... ;D
If you have a contact and they looking for some DAM done right, I'm listening.
Until then, I continue to create the best DAM possible for the IMatch user base. Which works, incidentally, out-of-the box with all major image editors and RAW processors 

If DXO would be more serious about DAM and their PictureLibrary they would have great use of your skill and experience. They might be 50+ but their focus is not about DAM or user support. Less is often more and skills is in this case far more important than numbers. You have the DAM and metadata skills - they have still a lot to prove when it comes to DAM-tech.


DAM is not a priority for RAW processor vendors, including Adobe's Lightroom, I suppose.
They do as little as they can in the DAM department (just enough to tick a box) and concentrate on RAW processing, fancy AI tools and stuff. This is what makes good tutorials for endorsers, blogs, magazines and YouTube videos by 3rd party reviewers.
Adobe offers a corporate-grade DAM, too. They won't compet4e against themselves.

Doing DAM right is really hard. And probably they don't feel a need to invest more in this area. They will do their homework and listen to their users. As I do.

What would be nice is they would send their customers with more advanced DAM needs in my direction :D
Or maybe offer a bundle deal with IMatch. I'm always open to such things.