PC Migration - User alias problem

Started by bekesizl, Today at 11:02:00 AM

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I am in the process of migration from an older PC to a newer laptop.
My goal is to partly use both computers parallel.

In following topic I asked about the user alias.

It didn't work out for me.

The old computer has this log:
03.08 06:46:01+    0 [03AC] 02  I>     Database 'S:\IMatch\DB\Main_IMatch_DB.imd5' for thread 3AC (940) shared cache 0  Writable.
03.08 06:46:01+    0 [03AC] 02  I>     Database file has 16585,92 MB
03.08 06:46:01+   15 [03AC] 02  I> SyncMode is NORMAL
03.08 06:46:01+    0 [03AC] 05  M> >  0 PTSettingsStore::Attach  'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(199)'
03.08 06:46:01+    0 [03AC] 05  I> Attaching settings [dbset]
03.08 06:46:01+    0 [03AC] 05  M>  <  0 PTSettingsStore::Attach
03.08 06:46:01+    0 [03AC] 05  M> >  0 PTSettingsStore::Attach  'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(199)'
03.08 06:46:01+    0 [03AC] 05  I> Attaching settings [datastore]
03.08 06:46:01+    0 [03AC] 05  M>  <  0 PTSettingsStore::Attach
03.08 06:46:01+   16 [03AC] 02  I> DB SOURCE-ID: '2024-12-07 20:39:59 2aabe05e2e8cae4847a802ee2daddc1d7413d8fc560254d93ee3e72c14685b6c'
03.08 06:46:01+    0 [03AC] 02  I> Logging in user zolib on machine ZOLIHP

The new laptop has following:
03.08 22:45:20+    0 [6AE8] 02  I> Opening semaphore file for S:\IMatch\DB\Main_IMatch_DB.imd5
03.08 22:45:20+    0 [6AE8] 02  I>     Semaphore successfully created.
03.08 22:45:20+    0 [6AE8] 05  I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 0 instances. Max instances: 1
03.08 22:45:20+    0 [6AE8] 02  I>     Database 'S:\IMatch\DB\Main_IMatch_DB.imd5' for thread 6AE8 (27368) shared cache 0  Writable.
03.08 22:45:20+    0 [6AE8] 02  I>     Database file has 16585,92 MB
03.08 22:45:20+    0 [6AE8] 02  I> SyncMode is NORMAL
03.08 22:45:20+   16 [6AE8] 05  M> >  0 PTSettingsStore::Attach  'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(199)'
03.08 22:45:20+    0 [6AE8] 05  I> Attaching settings [dbset]
03.08 22:45:20+    0 [6AE8] 05  M>  <  0 PTSettingsStore::Attach
03.08 22:45:20+    0 [6AE8] 05  M> >  0 PTSettingsStore::Attach  'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(199)'
03.08 22:45:20+    0 [6AE8] 05  I> Attaching settings [datastore]
03.08 22:45:20+    0 [6AE8] 05  M>  <  0 PTSettingsStore::Attach
03.08 22:45:20+    0 [6AE8] 02  I> DB SOURCE-ID: '2024-12-07 20:39:59 2aabe05e2e8cae4847a802ee2daddc1d7413d8fc560254d93ee3e72c14685b6c'
03.08 22:45:20+    0 [6AE8] 02  I> Logging in user zolib on machine Z24VICTUS

To me it seems from the log, that the username is the same.
But the File Window Layouts and the Workspaces I can see on the PC I can't see on the new laptop.
If I enter the username "zolib" to the alias, IMatch wants to restart and after the restart, the field is empty.

So how can I achieve, that I see the layouts on both machines?
I would like to use both computers parallel, like desktop at home and laptop on the road.


IMatch resets the user alias when it matches the logged in user.

The alias is only designed for situations where you migrate to a new PC as a one-time operation.
If you use IMatch on multiple computers, copy the settings database once. And from then on use two settings databases.

Do you perhaps copy the settings database hence and forth between the PCs?
Then the Alias will be reset when you copy the settings database to the original PC and start IMatch.
And when you then copy it again to the other PC, the Alias will be gone and must be re-entered.


Thank you!
It is solved now.
It was my wrong assumption, that if I set the settings database on the desktop pc to a location on the external SSD, the new laptop will also use this setting.

Now I have copied the settings DB to a location on the new laptop and set IMatch to use that. Now I can see the File Window Layout and the Workspaces.


The location of the settings database is computer-specific and can be configured via Edit > Preferences > Application.
The "Show extended settings" option must be enabled.


It is one of those rare things, where your excellent documentation might be lacking.
I have very limited time thats why my questions come this far apart.
But it was not clear, which settings I need to do on my new computer.

Maybe a small table of these settings where it is categorized as per user/per computer would be useful.
But maybe it is too complicated for most users and migration to another computer is also rather rare.


QuoteMaybe a small table of these settings where it is categorized as per user/per computer would be useful. 
Since IMatch has hundreds of settings, this would be a rather large and volatile table. 99% of all users will never have to fiddle with their settings database.

Relevant topics in the help:

Installing IMatch on a New Computer
The IMatch Settings Database
Pack & Go


These are the topics where I haven't found this information.

I only meant the few settings relevant for the migration.
You are absolutely right, that for the whole set of IMatch settings it would not be useful and for most cases also not relevant, but hardly maintainable.

But it might be easier to explain it yearly 1-2 times, when it arises again.
It is now solved for me.