Advice on global sequence and edited versions of files

Started by Damit, March 11, 2025, 08:33:45 PM

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I am trying to further organize my files.  I like the prospect of adding a global sequence number, but I only want to apply the main global sequence to the original file and then just add the editing information afterward.

For example, I have 2008-12-23-img023.tiff, and I would like to add a global sequence (0000001), after the camera file name, like so: 2008-12-23-img023_0000001.tiff
But now I have an edited file with this format, with the editing information and version:2008-12-23-img023(c1.4,e01[Mult]_MJS).tiff, where c is for crop, e is for edit.

Since this is an edit of the original 2008-12-23-img023_0000001.tiff, I do not want it to have a new global sequence number but rather a suffix added to it (which really creates another global sequence number), so the first edit would be named 2008-12-23-img023_000001.02(c1.4,e01[Mult]_MJS).tiff

I assume using the Group By option in the file renamer would allow me to do this, I just I would confirm.

Also, I was thinking of having the original be given a 00 instead of 01.  Would I have to then insert 00,01,02,03,04,05 and so on in the "Token from list" box to accomplish this? Is there a better way?  Can I just have the first in a Group by not have an extension, where the first file is "2008-12-23-img023_0000001.tiff" and the 1st edit is "2008-12-23-img023_000001.01(c1.4,e01[Mult]_MJS).tiff"

If anyone has any thoughts, comment or critiques, I welcome it.  I am trying to vet my thinking process in trying to come up with a concrete naming system.
Group By


I do not know, if this old thread is still helpful for you:,1644.msg10283.html#msg10283

I started with a unique numer (with a variable) with 

And nowaday I am here:


My versions get the same number by propagation, but with another ending (e.g. ... lauerzersee_m_v1.jpg)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Yes, Markus, I have read your post more than once, as well as the responses to it. As a matter of fact I still have the tab open.  Thank you for your contribution. It was helpful.  I also read,10384.msg73885.html#msg73885, which was also very helpful. 

I am just wondering if my approach is foolproof, if such a thing exists in the realm of organization.

BTW, you are probably going to have to add another number because you are almost halfway to 999999. That is why I used 0000001, but the files names are getting longer and they will get even longer if I use Gary's hierarchy scheme, as I am considering doing.


Danks, Damit, for your answer.
Ah, I see, if you read such other threads, you looks very good having finally a good system for you.
Hopefully other users comes here with comments and ideas.

BTW: Thanks for your input. I have started this numbering system about the year 2001.
now I am on number about 485'000. 
Means, until I am on number 999'999 it will work still some years.  :)

But because nowadays people incusive me tend to create more files, your remark is of course very true.
If I were to start again, I would use one more number.

On the other hand, if I reach the 999'999 I am sure, I will find a good solution. 
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I am curious as to the purpose of the sequence number?

I think you proposed naming is awfully complicated.