Trying metadata templates.

Started by vlouekari, Today at 05:35:34 PM

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i am trying to build a metadata template that would add on image an existing hierarchical keyword "Kamera / Nikon D810" (Kamera in camera in finnish:))

While adding a new template I wrote in tags: XMP::Lightroom\HierarchialSubject

And in Fill the tag from this data: I wrote: {File.MD.XMP::Lightroom\hierarchicalSubject\HierarcialSubject\0|Kamera|Nikon D810;}

When I run this all the existing keywords in the image disappear (so at least I am accomplishing something:). 

Obviously I am doing something very wrong. 

An example of the right syntax would be very much appreciated and would show me the way forward.

Thank You


It's much simpler. Look at this example template:


You select the tag to modify in the top list. Then you enter literal text and/or variables (your camera name, for example) in the field below. And enable the "Merge with existing contents" option to ensure that the new keyword is added to the existing keywords.

If you want to hard-code the camera name, just enter it as text.
Or, to be more flexible, consider using the variable {File.MD.cameraname} in which IMatch tries to produce the "best" camera name from the information in the image.


Thank You Mario!

I still do not get the syntax. 
I selelcted the tag as in Your example.
In the filedd below I wrote: {Kamera|Nikon D810}

Nothing happens, so that obviously is wrong. I am not giving the template enough information to work on?



Under the  'Fill in tag' box, there are some checkboxes.   Check the box marked 'Merge with existing contents'.

Then in the 'Fill in' tag from this data you just enter Kamera|Nikon D810 without brackets - brackets are only used for variable names.

Hyvaa Paivaa



Thank You so much! 
Yes, now I am slowly getting a hang of this.
I tried to add a second line as:

Kamera|Nikon D810

(Vuosi is Year) But that was wrong, so I tried:

Kamera|Nikon D810;Vuosi|2025

And that did the trick!

Hooray! I am on the right track!  Thank You!



Ja hyvää päivää sinullekin:)


QuoteIn the filedd below I wrote: {Kamera|Nikon D810}

This cannot work. Names in { and } are considered as variables.
And since {Kamera|Nikon D810} is not a valid variable (it does not exist), IMatch returns an empty result.

If you want to add literal (hard-coded) test, you would just use

Kamera|Nikon D810

in the template. This adds the hierarchical keyword

|- Nikon D810

to the existing keywords (because you included a | to indicate the hierarchy). Make sure to enable "Merge" option.

To add a specific year, you could just add


Or, if you always want to add the current year when you run your Metadata Template, you would use a variable:


Give yourself a bit of time and read Variables in the IMatch help. Try out variables with the VarToy app in IMatch. After a couple of minutes you'll get the hang of it.


Yes, many thanks again Mario, :) ;D  I am slowly getting a hang of the logic. I did not understand that brackets mean variables.  The right solution seemed almost to easy:)




Very good.

Variables in IMatch are very powerful and available in many features. The Var Toy app is the best place to try them:

Use the Var Toy app in an App Panel to try variables out. IMatch opens an app panel with VarToy automatically for new installations.
