How to get VarToy to display file height in inches-Math variable not working.

Started by Damit, March 12, 2025, 07:51:48 PM

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I am trying to get a variable expression that will give me the file height in inches. I will then apply this to file width so I can display the actual image size in inches

I know that I can get that value by dividing the File Height by the Resolution ({File.MD.Exif::Main\282\XResolution\0}. However, after reading the proper sections in the guide I cannot get the math function to work.

I tried {File.Height;Math:Div,{File.MD.Exif::Main\283\YResolution\0}} but it did not work, and I cannot figure out why.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Take care for spelling and case (div not Div), according to the help, cast when needed, output the variables you use in VarToy to see wht they contain. etc.


Quote from: Damit on March 12, 2025, 07:51:48 PMHello,

I am trying to get a variable expression that will give me the file height in inches. I will then apply this to file width so I can display the actual image size in inches

I know that I can get that value by dividing the File Height by the Resolution ({File.MD.Exif::Main\282\XResolution\0}. However, after reading the proper sections in the guide I cannot get the math function to work.

I tried {File.Height;Math:Div,{File.MD.Exif::Main\283\YResolution\0}} but it did not work, and I cannot figure out why.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I recently did something similar for scanned photos and I use the following expression to get widthxheight in inches.


Two notes about the above:

1. I decided to round off at one decimal point

2. Some files have the resolution in JFIF::Main and others have it in EXIF::Main (and some have it in both) - I think it is mostly driven by file format and the source of the file (eg. scan, photo editor, etc).  However, sometimes when it is in both, JFIF is the resolution I want to check and EXIF has 72 (which I think is related to a display resolution), so I use JFIF if it is populated.

So far, this has worked for me  - your results may vary.

I hope that is helpful.



Thank you Micheal!!! 8)
I really appreciate this greatly! I was following the clues left by Mario and I had figured out the need for the cast, which I was aware of, but did not think I needed to include it because both the values were already numbers.
After Mario's clue, I realized the comma might be the problem, but I keep getting a rounded number and it was rounded the wrong way. The quotient of the two numbers (5633 and 1500) us 3.755 but I kept getting 3 in vartoy.  I then looked at your example and realized that ",1" at the end was for one decimal point.  Strangely the result was 3.8. If I put in a ",2" I got 3.76, and ",3" not surprisingly, 7.55.  I am not sure why not including a comma and a value at the end would cause the value to return as 3.

Even with your example, if I remove the ",1" it will revert to rounding down.  Stil trying to figure that out, because I may want to the variable to round the number to the nearest integer for conciseness.


Interesting observation on the rounding down.  I think I tried ,0  to get just an integer value but I decided pretty quick I wanted one decimal point so never tested to see if ,0 rounds properly or just truncates (ie. rounds down).

Btw - I think the cast is needed to get rid of the thousands separator   (eg. 3,200 pixels becomes 3200 when cast:int)



Anyone have any idea why it rounds down with a ,0 or nothing at the end?


Tip: You can display the file dimensions in inches using the "Dimensions" attribute in File Window layouts.

H: {File.Height|cast:real}
W: {File.Width|cast:real}
XRes: {File.MD.Exif::Main\282\XResolution|cast:int}
YRes: {File.MD.Exif::Main\283\YResolution|cast:int}
H: {File.Height|cast:real;math:div,{File.MD.Exif::Main\283\YResolution|cast:int},2}
W: {File.Width|cast:real;math:div,{File.MD.Exif::Main\283\YResolution|cast:int},2}


H: 1.806,00
W: 2.554,00
XRes: 96
YRes: 96
H: 18,81
W: 26,60

which is correct? Where is the problem?


Thank you. The problem is described in post #3.

The problem is that if you have a value like 3.755 as the result of dividing the file height with the file Y resolution and you have a ",0" or nothing in the area I have bolded below, then the result would be 3 instead of 4.  So, for some reason, the variable expression is strictly rounding down, instead of to the nearest number. However, if you put a ",1" or a ",2" it will round to the nearest number with said digits.


So I am trying to figure out why it is rounding down, because, preferably, I want to list the value as an integer but rounded to the correct integer.


The ,1 is the number of digital places to output and this is also considered for rounding. < 0.5 is rounded down, else up.




Not sure what else you expect. There is no ceil or floor operator in IMatch variables.


I think the expectation is that rounding is also applied in the same way if the number of digital places is set to 0. For example, for an attribute value of 3800 instead, I get:



Instead of 52, rounding to 0 places should give 53.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


I'm just using  standard formatting function provided by the Microsoft runtime. I don't do the rounding in my code.
When you ignore the digits with 0, what's left is the number before the decimal . No rounding is performed. This matches what numformat does. 0 means "Ignore decimals". This seems how this is implemented.

Update. Just checked the Microsoft docs. The precision 0  means: Ignore decimals. So the output is as it should be. If you need more precision, output at least one decimal digit.


Quote from: thrinn on March 14, 2025, 08:47:57 AMInstead of 52, rounding to 0 places should give 53.
Thank you Thorsten for explaining it better than I.

Quote from: Mario on March 14, 2025, 01:26:05 PMUpdate. Just checked the Microsoft docs. The precision 0  means: Ignore decimals. So the output is as it should be. If you need more precision, output at least one decimal digit.
Thank you, Mario, for figuring this out. It's a bummer it works that way (not that it has anything to do with you), so I guess I must add the decimal.


Quote from: Damit on March 14, 2025, 04:53:16 PMThank you, Mario, for figuring this out. It's a bummer it works that way (not that it has anything to do with you), so I guess I must add the decimal.
This works that way since IMatch 5, back in 2016, I believe. So this is a "problem" not affecting many users, if at all. I will keep the standard implementation. You can always do things like adding .5 and casting to an int or something similar if you depend on this particular rounding.


Oh I understand and did not expect you to try to change anything. I was just wonder why it was functioning that way and then lamenting the case, once you clarified.

But thank you for that suggestion! It did not occur to me. Brilliant! That would work.  8)