Exiftool Unable to Open File to Write

Started by PandDLong, Today at 08:29:39 AM

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Since upgrading to IMatch 2025, I get this error quite often.  I write back the metadata for a handful of files and there will be one or two that get the dreaded 'yellow triangle'.

The output panel for Exiftool shows:

----- Runtime: 266 ms.
Error opening C:/Users/micha/Pictures/Memories - iMatch/1940 Decade/1940-44 General/1942-07-07 02a p  Anneli with Sheep in the Boat.jpg for writing

If I retry one, two or five times, eventually it works.  

The IMatch executable and the database folders are excluded from virus-checking.  Do I need to exclude all folders with files managed by IMatch?  (Admittedly I upgraded to a new computer just before moving to IMatch 2025 so perhaps I had done that on my previous computer)



I have no idea. I have never seen this and so far you are the only user reporting this.
Does IMatch flag the file with a yellow exclamation sign afterwards?

Did you follow TODO: New File Name for the IMatch Executable

If your virus checker considers ExifTool a thread (he should tell you so!) this might be a reason.
Or, maybe it does an on-access scan, blocking the file just when ExifTool writes it?

ExifTool creates a copy of the target file and performs all metadata operations on it. When this is successful, ExifTool deletes the original file and renames the temporary file. If a virus checker interferes with that, anything can go wrong.