Orientation wrong after update to iMatch 2025.1.14 under WIN10

Started by are, Today at 12:53:05 PM

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Hi, I upgraded to iMatch 2025.1.14 today. Since then, it looks like for newly imported photos the orientation is not taken into account properly. What I did:
- Imported a new photo into the DB (attached below), thumbnail and full display were correct. In the metadata panel "Ausrichtung" says rotate 90°CW, which is wrong, see below. Preview in WIN Explorer and display of WIN Fotoanzeige is correct.

- Needed to write the metadate (pen symbol), did so. The thumbnail is still correct, the full screen view (e.g. shift-blank) is not, the metadata panel still shows rotate 90°CW. Now the preview in the WIN Explorer is wrong and also the display using WIN Fotoanzeige (also with legacy version).

Looking at the Exif data before and after writing the metadata with iMatch, there is a difference: The width and height of the photo is correct in all fields (w=432, h=768 in COMP and EXIF). The original photo shows orientation 1=normal in IFD0. However, after writing the metadata it shows 6=rotate 90°CW.

Setting the orientation back to normal in the metadata panel and then updating the metadata helps. This workaround is o.k. when importing only a small number of photos. It looks like this behaviour is new with 2025.1.14.

Thank you for your help!

EDIT: Most of the newly imported photos were wrongly oriented, however one was correct, i.e. the metadata panel for this photo showed orientation=normal. Width and hight are slightly different, but correct ( w=576, h=768 in COMP and EXIF). So re-writing the metadata had no ill effect in this case.


That's not an IMatch problem, but a problem of your image (I think metadata related, because the included thumbnail is part of the metadata).

When I display the image in XnViewMP it is shown as followed:

On the left-hand side the metadata-thumbnail and on the right-hand side the image itself. So your metadata-thumbnail is not rotated correctly and that's why it shows wrong in IMatch.

But as I wrote, same for XnViewMP, so not a problem of IMatch. You need to fix your image.


Attached your corrected image. I've used XnViewMP to do that.

Please download that one, import into IMatch and look if it is shown correctly. If so, you need to fix your (other) images that are shown wrong.


I don't understand. When I download the two images in the first post, their orientation is correct, thumbnail and Viewer?
Did I miss something?

The 20250314_073756.jpg image has two different orientations:

[IFD0]          Orientation                    : 1 (Normal)
[IFD1]          Orientation                    : 6 (Rotate 90° clockwise)

in two IFDs (thumbnail and real image). Very unusual for JPG files.
The width in EXIF is reported as 432 and in IFD0 as 496?


When I downloaded the images from the first post there was just one image (20250314_073756.jpg). I guess the other one was added later.

My observations are:
  • 20250314_073756.jpg: Does contain a thumbnail and that thumbnail has wrong orientation.
  • 20250315_111821_cr.jpg: Does not contain a thumbnail.

In IMatch everything is fine (screenshot).


In XnViewMP the preview loads the thumbnail (when there is one in the file) and for 20250314_073756.jpg it shows wrongly orientated (see screenshot below).

The red arrow shows that there is a thumbnail and that's not available for the other image (20250315_111821_cr.jpg).



Thanks for checking :)
I guesses as much 'cause of the two IFD records in the one image.
Since everything shows correct in IMatch, I see no action point.