Delete keywords without deleting person keyword

Started by javiavid, March 20, 2025, 08:47:44 AM

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I'm testing with the AI to add keywords, I'm modifying the prompt until I find one that I like.
I have activated the option to add the new keywords without deleting the previous ones because I don't want to delete the person recognized in the image, the problem is that I have more and more keywords.

- Is it possible to respect the person and replace all the old keywords?
- Is it possible to delete all the keywords in an image without deleting the recognized person?


No. And No.
AutoTagger can either replace existing keywords, or add the new keywords to your images.
It has no concept of "person keywords" or any other keyword "filter mechanisms".

I assume you run AutoTagger again and again on the same image, letting it add more and more keywords? Why?
If you have a prompt you like, clean up the keywords of your test images and then let AutoTagger run "for real"?

Didn't you just ask yesterday how to include the person names in a description?
Maybe try the replace option but tell the AI to include the person keywords in the keywords it returns?

Maybe try to apply the same concept with person keywords in the keywords prompt?
Like, asking the AI in the keywords prompt to include specific keywords in the result?

{File.Persons.Keywords.Confirmed|hasvalue:Make sure to include these keywords in your response:"{File.Persons.Keywords.Confirmed}".}

If this works, you can let AutoTagger just replace the existing keywords.

Writing prompts is an individual and creative process. Each user has different requirements and expectations, different images, different style.

I gave you a ton of powerful tools and features with AutoTagger and its ability to use IMatch variables in prompts.
The rest is up to you.


Another option may be to let Autotagger replace all the existing keywords and then run a metadata template to re-populate your Persons keywords using the same type of variable expression Mario provided.



Thank you for the answer, I am thinking of erasing all the Keywords except the faces and starting from scratch, testing with a minimum group of images and making image recognition to the entire database but using a hierarchy with the thesaurus.

I have been using imatch for years without the thesaurus because it seems complicated, but I think that with AI it can be an help to have a more orderly catalog.


I have something new for the next IMatch release that allows you to do this easily.

See this post:


the link is a self-reference. It should point to a different topic.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA
