Where is the Date coming from in AutoTagger?

Started by kiwilink, March 23, 2025, 10:06:38 PM

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I'm trying the new update (Ollama) and I'm noticing a date being returned.  Any idea where this date is from?  I ran Exiftool and this date doesn't show up.  I'm just curious.




The date in the description produced by Gemma?
If you did not enter it, Gemma either knew or made it up.


Is there someting written on the funiculares? Or somewhere else (the thumb is too small to see it here).
Or Gemma wrote just somehing ghostly.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)



Thanks for the reply.  I sent 15 images to Auto Tagger using the new Gamma 3:4B.  Three images came back with a date.

I looked everywhere in the images and I don't see a building or anything with a date. I also ran them against EXIFTOOL and the date is nowhere to be found.

I was just curious where the date came from. It is no problem at all. I really like the new Gamma 3:4B because it is doing a great job identifying landmarks. 

I read Mario's blog and learned a lot about the new AI choices.




Maybe Gemma 'remembered' the date from a similar photo...?
Especially with tourist spots, millions of images are feed into Facebook, Insta, Google every year. There is a limited number of perspectives for St. Mark's Square or the Louvre and if Gemma was trained on these photos, it might remember a specific photo of a specific date. Nobody really knows how LLM models actually work, on the inside.

You can work against this, usually, by making it explicit what you don't want to have in the description.
For example:
Do not describe things not visible in the image. Do not return dates.

You may also be able to deal with this by slightly changing the creativity setting.

Also, secret tip: Ask Gemma in LM Studio (or the AI Chat app in IMatch) how to best write a prompt for it to describe images in a specific way. Or do write a prompt for producing optimal keywords. Then use the result in your own prompts. This usually works well. You can ping-pong a few times to improve results. Fun.



Thank you so very much for this response.  I'll go try these ideas right now.

Thank you!!!
